He finds out

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Natsu pov

The next day I woke up kinda early and I had some pressure on me. I opened my eyes and I saw Lucy kinda on me. She looked really happy she was kinda mumbling. " you smell so good, so warm so warm, just like natsu" I started blushing she started moving so I acted like I was sleeping.

Lucy's pov

I woke up and I realized I was on natsu, oh my god oh my god. I got out of bed quietly for I wouldn't wake him up. I turned the shower on and got in after it warmed up. " ugh how can I be so stupid " I said " but it was really nice " * blushes* " I kinda wish every morning I could wake up cuddled to him " " what am I saying !! "

Natsu pov

I opened my eyes and just sat on the bed. I could hear Luce In the shower since I have better hearing then other humans. I started thinking , so does she like me ? No she doesn't why would she... Well maybe since she said all that. I guess I'll just wait here for we can walk to the guild together and find a job.

Nobody's pov

I got out the shower put a towel on and walked out the bathroom. I saw natsu on the bed and asked why he was still here. " well I thought we could walk to the guild together and get a job" " alright can you wait out side for I could get dressed " natsu walked over to the bed grabbed happy and jumped out the window. " YOU COULD USE THE DOOR " I yelled. " why is he always using the window he's so weird " as I got dressed I walked out and saw he was waiting for me *blushes* " ready " he says " yup " I replied . We walk inside the guild and go to the board where all the jobs are. Natsu picks a job where we have to capture bandits. While natsu goes to Mira to tell her were taking this job I got get the rest of team natsu.

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