The train ride

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Lucy's pov

As I walked to go get the rest of team natsu I felt like someone was watching me and it was creeping me out. I walked over to the guild doors and stuck my head out and I saw someone running, it was a tall man but he a cape on so I don't know what he looked like... " hmm that's weird " I said " what is " grey said " oh nothing " I said while laughing " but we're about to leave for a job, so can you go get Wendy and erza I gotta get something from my place" as I walked to my place I felt like someone was watching me. " oh my god this is so creepy " As I walk in my apartment I see my window open. " hmm what the hell ? " as I close my window I grab a book for I can read it on the train ride.

Nobody's pov

Lucy walked back to the guild and told team natsu she's ready. Wendy, natsu , gray , erza and Lucy walked to the train station while happy and Carla flew . They train ride would take about 2 hours and of course natsu was already complaining. Natsu and Lucy sat next to each other and across from them was gray and erza.
The train started moving and less then a two second you see natsu get all pucy faced.

Lucy's pov

Ugh this is going to be along train ride but at least I can spend more time with natsu. * face gets all flustered*

Grays pov

Of course natsu gets sick , and he sitting right next to Lucy GREAT , wait what ? What the hell am I thinking. Stupid gray, stop !

Erza pov

Maybe after this job I can get some cake * stary eyes *

Lucy's pov

" Hey natsu ? " says In a shy voice.
" yeah " says in a sickly voice
" I heard if you lay down and have someone rub your back you might feel a little better " says In a nervous face while face is turning red

Grays pov

What did she just say ? What the hell ? Why does he always get Lucy's special treatment. Another reason why I hate him !

Natsu pov

As Lucy told me that I could lay down on her lap I felt my heart skip a beat. I started to move and set my head on my lap and I closed my eyes and started thinking about all the stuff Lucy said when she was in the shower.

* flash back *
Lucy and natsu where sleeping, natsu woke up and realized Lucy was on him, he herd Lucy mumbling " you smell so good,so warm so warm, just like natsu "
Lucy woke up and natsu acting like he was sleeping , she ran in the bathroom and got in the shower
" ugh how can I be so stupid, but it was really nice, I wish every morning I could wake up like that cuddling with him"
* flash back over *

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