Fro returns

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Lucys pov

I woke up pretty early, I guess I better go get ready for today. I moved quickly but quietly for I wouldn't wake fro up. I got In the shower and I just wanted to stay in there. " gosh this feels so good, I could just fall asleep" while I wash my hair out I started to think about natsu, " I wonder if he'll ever see me as something more then a best friend " I turn the shower off and put a towel on and walk in my room. I see fros up. " fros hungry " fro said , " what would you like to eat " I said " fro wants candy " he said " hmm it's to early for candy how about some eggs and pancakes " Lucy said . Fro agreed. While they ate there breakfast the three boys out Lucy window woke up .

Nobody's pov

" Where are we " lector said , " we are at blondie place remember, can we just get him already rogue " sting
said . " no hold on just a few more minutes " rogue said

Lucy and fro finished eating, Lucy got ready for the day and headed to the train station to drop off fro while behind them two dragon slayers and an exceed where following her.
A few hours later she arrives near by Sabertooth. She was about 10 minutes away before she ran into rogue.

Lucys pov

I was walking to sabertooth and then I ran into a tall handsome man. I looked up and realized it was no other then rogue from Sabertooth.
" oh I'm sorry " I said " it fine " he said " oh um rogue I have fro, I came here to return him to you " I said with a smile, I was handing over fro until he jumped back in my arms and gave me a big hug . It surprised rogue and me both, but I hugged him back and said "bye little guy" with a sad face. I started to walk away until rogue said " hey uh maybe we can met up again for you and fro can see each other " I smile and nodded my head I waved goodbye and headed back home .

Rogue pov

When I saw fro hug Lucy I was so confused. I guess he really likes her, I saw her leave with a sad face and it made me a little sad for some reason so I told her Maybe we can met up for they can see each other again . What the hell is wrong with me I'm so stupid. " welcome back fro " I said with a smile. " did you have fun ?" "Fro had fun, he tried on ear muffs and goggles and found a sling shot and went to bed in a nice bed and then had good food " fro said, rogue laughed and said " I'm glad, but don't go off on your own again ok. Fro hugged him.

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