Natsu and gray

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Natsu doesn't say a word he just stares at gray .
" oi , man ? " says gray kinda worried and regretting what he just said
" you , you like Lucy ? " says natsu kinda pissed
" huh ? Uh well .... Yeah .. I mean why wouldn't I ?! She's - she's a really cool girl " says gray
" you can't have her . " says natsu
" excuse me ? " says gray
" I said , YOU CAN'T HAVE HER ! " yells natsu
" what the hell ?! She's not even yours !! And and you rejected her ! " says gray
" okay ! But we made up last night remember ? " says natsu
" what the hell does that have to do about dating her ? " says gray annoyed
" we're starting over " says natsu
" she's single ! She can chose who ever she wants ! " says gray
" whatever ! " yells natsu
"  I'm going to be the one to have her " whisper gray
" excuse me ? " says natsu with an annoyed look on his face
" I said , I'm gong to be the one to have her ! You hear flame brain !! " shouts gray

Natsu doesn't say anything
Natsu then says
" fire dragon iron fist " and punches gray in the face
Gray goes flying , gray gets back up and wipes his face and looks up at natsu and smirks .
Gray then shouts
" Ice make cannon "
Natsu dodges most of the ice wizard hits but the last one hit natsu right in the stomach . Natsu slide back while grabbing his stomach.
" bastard " natsu says
Gray just smirks and says bring it on , gray and natsu starts throwing everything they got at each other

* meanwhile In side *
Lucy and Erza start looking around , wondering what that sound is , a few seconds later happy flys in the store all worked up .
" ERZA !!! LUCY !!!! " happy yells
" what is it ? " says the girls
" natsu .... Gray ..... Fighting " says happy while panting
" did , did they find the thief ?! " says Lucy
" NO !!! they are fighting each other ! " says happy
" WHAT !! " says both of the girls
" at a time like this ! On the job " says Erza
Lucy starts to back up
" aw man you can see the beast coming out " says Lucy in her head
both of the girls run out side to find natsu and gray fighting , you can see pieces of buildings all over the place and right next to Lucy you can see Erza about to go crazy .

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