Bad news

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Normal p.o.v

Natsu , gray , erza walk up to the master office.
They knock on the door,
" come in " the master says
The three sad guild members walk in to the office, and they have their  heads down to upset to speak and to scared to tell the master what happen.

* mean while down stairs *

Everyone is wondering what is wrong with erza, gray, and Natsu.
They see happy flying in, some of them run up to him and the others just listen from afar .

" HEY ! Happy , why is everyone upset ? " Wendy ask happy while looking so confused

Happy just looked down and started to cry.

* mean while in the master office *

" welcome back guys ! " the master says

He starts looking around for the other member of team Natsu but he didn't spot her in his office, he then starts to look confused.

" Natsu , gray , erza , where is Lucy ? " the master says confused

The three team members continue to look down and started to play with their thumbs .

" erza " the master says with s firm voice

Erza looks up , " yes sir " erza says trying not to sound upset

" where is Lucy ? " the master says while folding his hands

Erza took a deep breath and explain everything to the master , after she was finished she looked back down to her feet .

The master didn't say anything, he stood up open the door and stood on the railing , he took s deep breath and then started shouting

" LISTEN BRATS ! We have a issue on are hands , while team Natsu was on there mission something terrible happen to one of our members, if you haven't notice , Lucy  * takes a deep breath * is not here with us right now , erza , gray , and Natsu have been looking for her for a week , they can not find her, so I am hoping you guys will help find Lucy, we will start a plan tomorrow ! So please get enough rest , thank you all for listening  ! " the master finished his speech and got down and walk back into his office , while erza , Natsu and gray walked out while shutting the door .

Erza , gray and Natsu walk down stairs, and went to sit at the bar and order some food from mira.

They didn't say a word, just stayed silent and ate their food .

To be continued ...

Hey bbys !!!
Sorry for not updating so fast :( I've been in Cali for vacation (-:
And thank you guys so much for 14k omg ^___^
Follow my Instagram @anime.xo
Love you all ! Thank you again for reading and commenting

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