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Nobody's pov

Team natsu is on there way home, Lucy sits down but natsu walks right pass her and sits a few seats away from her. It makes her feel  bad but she just looks out the window and starts to think.

Lucy's pov

I wonder what I did to make natsu ignore me. I wish I didn't drink so much last night. UGH what did I do !

Grays pov

I walk in the train and I see Lucy sitting by her self looking kinda sad them I see natsu a few seats away. I sit right next to Lucy and ask her what's wrong but she ignores me.
" Lucy ? Hello Lucy, lucy helloooooooo" omg she still ignoring me.

Lucy's pov

Ugh what did I do I don't remember. What if he hates me.

Grays pov

" LUCY "

Lucy's & grays pov
"Lucy " *gray*

" AH !! When did you get here ?! You scared the crap out of me gray . "
*what are you talking about I been calling your name for like five minutes?!*
" omg I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. "
*it's fine, so hey Lucy.. Um are you okay.*
" hmm ? Uh.. Yeah I'm fine "
• fakes smile •
*okay well if you need to talk I'm here for you*
" I know thanks gray "

Nobody pov

Two hours passed by and they arrived back at home. They all got off the train and went back to the guild besides Lucy she went back to her place.

Lucy's pov

I think I'm just going to go home. I feel like imma cry. He is ignoring me and it hurts so bad.

Grays pov

I see Lucy walk back to her place while we walk back to the guild.
I really hope she's going be okay. I don't know why she seems so down but I'm sure it has something to do with that jerk . If she crys I'm going to kill him.

Gray & natsu pov
" gray " * natsu *

" hey natsu , what the hell "
* what *
" what did you do to Lucy "
* I didn't do nothing *
" then why is she so sad "
*hell if I know *
" you didn't sit by her and haven't even talked to her since yesterday "
* I'll talk to her tonight okay! I just was thinking *
" whatever but if she's been crying I'll kill you ! "

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