Lucy part 6

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Lucy pov

The man grabbed my face and I looked up at him with all the hate I had . I have no idea who he is . Why did he take me ? I didn't do anything to him .

Normal pov

The man gave Lucy a smirk .

" ha only if looks can kill , but to bad they don't " the man said while letting go of Lucys face

" well Lucy do you remember what happen yesterday ? " rider said while grabbing some tools .

Lucy didn't say anything just glared at that man name rider .

Rider just laughed a little and shook his head .

The other man with rider hit Lucy in the face " stop being so rude and speak when spoken to ! You think you're going get away ? You been here for a week , and you weren't even close to escaping even when you got the two guards to go to the bathroom , so be a good girl and listen because you're not getting out of here for a long long , long time " the man said

" I - I only remember rider taking the same tools he have now and gave me a shot and then I felt dizzy and really tired " Lucy said in defeat

" do you remember anything before that " rider said

Lucy looked up at that man with a strange look .

" I'm guessing that's a no ? " rider said

Lucy  looked  down , and tried to think but then her head starting hurting again .

" ngh ! " lucy yelled

Both of the guys looked over at Lucy and then back at each other and smirked

The man named rider walked over to Lucy and took the needle and gave her a shot .

" ngh ! " Lucy yelled

" stay relaxed or the shot will hurt worse " rider smirked

The man took off his gloves and once again put then on each side of Lucys head , and once again he was saying some weird words that Lucy couldn't understand , it's not because she felt dizzy or really sleepy at this point but she has never heard this before . She wish she new what language this was for she new what he was saying for she new what was happing to her .
Lucy felt even more tired and her body just went limp and her eyes felt heavy , and she just gave in to sleep .

Rider took his hands away , and put on his gloves , and put his tools away .

" well this is going better than I thought , she couldn't even remember the day . Only the end . So I'm guessing she won't remember tomorrow at all " rider said

" yes I believe so . Can you make it stronger ? For she can remember even less ? " the man said

" I can , but there are risk , she might not wake up for days or weeks " rider said

" I guess we're going have to take that risk, we need her on are side . If we can't win this , then everything we done up to now , it point less . " the man said while walking To the stairs

" I guess you're right " rider agreed while following the man

To be continued ...

Hey guys , sorry I haven't updated in awhile . I'm having writer block :c well I hope you enjoy the story 

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