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Lucy's pov

Rider shuts my door and comes sit on my bed .

" Hey are you ok ? " Rider put his hand on my face

I flinch and tell him everythings ok.

" Are you feeling ok ? "

" Hmm yeah , just had a weird dream "

" What about ? " Rider ask

" I dont .... know " I say really confused ... why can't I remember

" Do you wanna get out today ? " Rider ask

" Huh really ?! " I say excited

" Yeah , just to pick up some food but that's all "

" Yes , yes I wanna go " I jump up excited like a little girl , I haven't been out in ..... I dont know how long .... I can't remember

" You ok Lucy ? " Rider ask

" Yeah ... well imma take a shower , then we can leave "

" Alright " rider says while walking out my room

I walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on

" Who was that boy ? Why was my chest hurting when I saw him ??? And what about this mark .. why haven't I notice it before ... did someone try to put something over it ? " I step in the shower


" We arrive at smallvile and I have a good feeling about this I'm going to find her , apologize to her , and never let her go "

" Ok first let's go check in , then we will go look for Lucy " Ezra said while leading the group

Normal pov

The team arrives at the inn and checks in and before they get ready to leave they ask the owner if they seen Lucy .

" No , I'm sorry I haven't seen anyone like that around here , but if I see her shall i tell her ? " The owner says

" Please tell her fairy tail is looking for her " the team says and then walks out to search


Lucy pov

I get out the shower and put some clothes on after drying off .
I walk out the room and search for rider, I hear some voices so I head that way but then stop when I hear something strange.

" Has she forgotten about her pass ? She doesn't remember fairy tail ? Or her guild members ? "

" Fairy tail ... guild members .... was that who I , in my dream was warning me about "

( Btw some people are probably wondering where her keys are , they have them locked up in a magic device )

" And those people ... were they my team mates.. " I walk back to my room before any notice me

I sit on my bed , really confuse

* Knock knock *

The door opens and it's rider

" Ready ? " He says with a smile

" Yup " I say like nothing ever happens

Me and rider walk out the door

John stops us before we were out

" Lucy " he says with a deep voice

" Yes uncle " I say with a smile

" Be good " he said before walking away

" I will , see you later "

Me and rider walk out the door and head to town

To be continued ...

Hey guys , very sorry I haven't updated in forever , alot of stuff been going on .

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