The first kiss

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Lucy's pov

So natsu actually laid down on me. I honestly wish we could stay like this forever. I start rubbing natsu back for he can try to feel better.

Nobody pov

Two hours finally passed and the train stopped. Team natsu got off the train and went to meet the person who put the order in. After that they went to go find the bandits. We took them out less then 20 minutes. We called the police and gave them up and went back to get the reward.

Lucy's pov

Hey erza since we finished this job early can go to inn I herd they have a hot spring

* gray & natsu scared *

Erza pov

That sounds like a great ideal Lucy

Nobody's pov

Team natsu walks to the inn and erza orders a room and ask for alcohol and some food.
Lucy,erza,Wendy and Carla already got dressed and started eating and drinking but they already got drunk.
The boys walked in and was shocked erza was an angry drunk, Wendy just laid on the floor saying she spinning and Carla was on happy acting like he was a flying horse and Lucy, lucy was all over natsu.

Lucy & natsu pov

Naaaaatsu ... Come Carry me out side
Why ??
Natsu please I want to be alone with you .
* natsu carries Lucy out side like she asked *
As I set Lucy down on the grass
I sit right next to her and look at the stars. Suddenly Lucy grabs natsu and pulls him closer to her and says " natsu I love you, every since we met, I just new you were something special I'm glad you came to save me on that ship"
Natsu just stares at Lucy, Lucy gets closer to his face and pulls him in for a kiss it lasted for about 10 seconds then she lays on his chest and falls asleep. Natsu just stares at her and doesn't know what to do. He carries her back in side and lays her down and goes to bed his self.

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