I also feel the same

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Normal pov

Morning came , everyone got up , Lucy & Erza got dressed in the uniforms for the shop they are working at for they can catch this thief .
About an hour past, everyone was ready, so Lucy, Erza , happy , gray , and natsu took off for the shop .
Lucy and Erza walked in the shop but before Lucy walked in she turn around and gave a big smile and a goodbye wave to guys .
Natsu & gray both smiled and waved at Lucy , once Lucy walked inside the boys looked at each other in confusion .
" she was waving at me " says natsu
" HUH ?! no way , she was waving at me " says gray
" she could have just waved at both of you " says happy
Gray and natsu looked at happy and then looked to the ground all disappointed .

* Meanwhile in the store *
" did you get enough sleep Lucy ? " ask Erza
" huh , uh not really " says Lucy while yawning
" why not ? I know you and gray talked for awhile but it wasn't that late when you went inside " says Erza
" oh I know , but I couldn't sleep , my mind was going crazy " says Lucy while laying her head on her hands
" hmm , what's been going on ? Ask Erza in concern
" huh oh umm , it's nothing " says Lucy while her face is getting red
" your face is red , are you getting a cold ? " says Erza
" no , no I'm fine " says Lucy

* out side *
" GAH , I'm so booooored " says natsu while yawning
" yeah , when the hell is this thief going show up " says gray
" I'm so tired , I wanna go to bed " says gray
" what time did you even go bed " says natsu
" I only sleep for like an hour " says gray
" why .. ? " says natsu
" uhhh ... " says gray while his eyes wonder to Lucy
" HUH ? " shouts natsu
" what ? " says gray
" you looking at Erza ?! You like her " says natsu while laughing
" NO ! I'm not looking at Erza ! And I don't like her like that man ! " says gray
" then who ? " ask natsu
" L-l- Lucy " gray whispers
" huh ? Didn't hear you man " says natsu
" L - Lucy " says gray a little louder
" Come again ? Stop mumbling! " says natsu
" LUCY ! " shouts gray

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