That night

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Lucy's pov

I didn't pull back , all I did was cry in stings arms, it was comfortable and it felt warm, not the warm that comes from natsu but a nice and caring warm , even thou he can act like a jerk he can also be a caring guy I guess, maybe the light dragon suits him.
I cry for about another 30 mins and I look up at him.

" um thank you sting "
" it's okay, but may I ask ? " sting say nervously and sadly
* breaths deeply *
" well, how can I put it, I guess I just got my heart broken " I say sadly
" heart broken ? " sting says confused
" yes. " I say
" by who ? " he says
* start to get sad *
" natsu ... " says quietly
" THAT FIRE DRAGON ?! " he yells
" yes, that's him " I say
" well stop being sad over him , he's not worth your tears, and he sure is not worth your time ! All he knows is fighting, find a guy who can love you and fight for you, you're to good for him ! And your so beautiful that you can get anyone you want " sting says
* Lucy's starts to smile *
" yeah see smile ! That smile looks best on you ! So always wear it " sting says while blushing
" thank you so much sting, this meant a lot to me . "
" no problem blondie " sting says laughing
" HEY YOURE BLONDE TO ! " I yell back at him and hit him in the chest playfully
" ah come on , no reason to hit me, bloooondiiie "
* Lucy tackles sting to the ground and landed on top of him , Lucy and sting didn't say a word they just looked into each other eyes, sting sat up and began to move to Lucy's lips , he really wanted to kiss her and she didn't rejected him at all but the phone rang before they could even kiss*

Stings pov

Did we almost just kiss ? And she didn't even try to kill me, but that damn phone call ! Who the hell would call her at this time at night.

Normal pov

After Lucy got off the phone she looked at sting and sting looked at her , um so sting maybe you should go home for tonight , sting agreed and he left , Lucy got into bed and started thinking about everything that happen and for some reason she didn't cry because of natsu but instead she started smiling because of sting.

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