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" natsu " I say while turning around and looking into his eyes

" Lucy " natsu says while smiling like an idiot but I got to admit I love that smile and I missed it so much

" let's go inside " I say

Me and natsu walk inside where everyone is and everyone starts looking at us.

" what " natsu says

" you don't got to hog her " levy says while walking over and grabbing me

" come on ! We gotta catch up . " Levy says while walking me to the baths, the rest of the girls follow us and we just sit in the bath and relax until someone * cough cough levy * brings up natsu

" so so so , what was that out there ? "

" whatcha mean ? " I say like I already don't know

" come on you know ! " levy shouts a little with excitement

" I would like to know to " Ezra says while scooting closer

" with me and natsu ? " I say

" YES " levy shouts again

" well he uh told me he loves me .. " I say totally embarrassed now

" EEEEK " levy and Juvia fan girl I guess

" and what did you say back ? " Ezra asked

" well he already knew my feelings for him , I guess last time when we got drunk I confessed my feelings for him and again when I was sober , and then he broke my heart , he didn't realize that it wasn't a best friend love I guess and sting was there with me when I was sad , and stuff happen hah ... but I just rejected his feeling , when he walked out side . " I say taking a deep breath

" awe sting got his heart broken " Juvia says

" I know , I feel so bad " I say once again being sad

" so are you and natsu a thing now " Cana

" it's Cana so please stop getting mad and saying it's Kana or Cana , now we know ahaha "

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" it's Cana so please stop getting mad and saying it's Kana or Cana , now we know ahaha "

" well no ... I don't think we are ? But we also are " I say a little confused

" so he confessed to you but didn't ask you out ? Oh my god he's such a idiot " Cana says while laughing

" aha but you got to admit , he's a cute idiot " I say while laughing and blushing now

We talk about a few more things then go out to our rooms and talk with the rest of the group we sit down for dinner and guess who sits by me ... hah yeah natsu , we all laughed and joked around like we use to . It was just like old time . It was an amazing night , after we ate we went to bed and for the first time in a long time I had a good night sleep

To be continued ...

Hey guys . I did one more . Aha I'm getting pretty tired . It all raining right now and I get so sleepy lol . I hope everyone had a good day .

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