Its now or never

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Lucys pov

As I walk back to my place I start to think, what could I have done to make him ignore me.
I open my door and grab some fresh clothes and head to the bathroom, I turn the shower on and get in.

* 25 minutes later *
I get dressed and head out the door.
" hm I wonder if I should go to the guild, well what if he ignores me still I'm just going feel worse, I'll just go for a walk. "

As I walk about 5 minutes have passed and I'm not really Paying attention and I bump into someone

" oh my god I'm so sorry, are you okay ? "
" hey blondie " someone says
" oh it's just you guys " I say relieved
" what do you mean it's just you guys " sting says annoyed
" oh um nothing, I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound Mean, I'm really sorry by the way I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings please forgive me " I say apologetic.
" it's okay right rogue " sting says
" yeah " rogue says emotionless
" well I got to go, bye "

As I run off I just feel my heart pounding I'm so embarrassed and on top of that I'm still upset and confused I run back to my place I open my door and I run to my bed and just lay there.

Sting & rogue pov
" well that wasn't weird at all " sting says
" hm, yeah " rogue says Careless
" but weren't you happy you got to see your girl friend again " sting says joking
" shut up " rogue says embarrassed
" but didn't she seem a little upset ? "
" oh I don't know I wasn't paying attention, but can we go back to the inn now I'm tired " rogue says
" yeah sure " sting says

Sting pov

Hmm I wonder why I felt like there was something wrong with blondie,maybe I should go check on her.

Natsu pov

Damn it , it's getting late. I guess I better go talk to her.
I start walking to Lucy place and I try to think what to say, I'm still nervous, okay I can do this! It's now or
Never. In stead of going thorough the window like I usually do I knock on the door.

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