another pill , another memory

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Riders pov

I start walking to Lucy's room, and I just have this horrible feeling in my gut, but it's to late to stop now, I have to see this until the end .

Normal pov

* Knock knock *

Rider knocked on Lucys door .

" Come in " Lucy called out

Rider walks into the room with a glass of water and some pills .

" Here " rider hands Lucy the pills

" Hmm ? I dont think I need them anymore, my head and body been fine lately. " Lucy says while looking at her book

" Well that's thanks to the pills "

" Ugh fine " Lucy takes the pills and drinks the water

" Are you happy now " Lucy says in an annoyed tone

" Yeah ... " rider says

" ok well if we're done here I'll like to get back to my book . "

" Oh ok, I'll be back in a few to check on you . " Rider says while walking out

Rider walks into the kitchen and tells John that she just took them

" Alright good, when will she fall asleep ? "

" Thirty minutes"

" Can't you speed that up ! "

" It's to dangerous "

" Make this plan move faster ! Make her forget all about her old life ! "

" It's working ! I'm pretty sure she forgot about her guild , why do we have to make her forget everything. "

" She still has feelings , she needs to feel nothing " John says while laughing

" You're going to far "

John gets up and stares daggers at ridder

" Do it now ! Or should we pay your little sister a visit ? "

" F-fine ... ill do it " rider walks back to Lucy room

* Knock knock *

" Come in " Lucy says

" Hey , how's your book ? "

" Ugh , I just can't ! "

" Wh-what ? What's wrong . Are you ok? "

" No !! Mai is hurt ! She omg "
( Go check out my other book " she's mine " lol )

" Oh ... ? " Rider says while sitting on her bed

" Ugh , ok so Mai dad is a piece of garbage! And his friends are worse ! But I think she falling for someone !!! EEEEKKK ! "

Rider just looks at Lucy and smiles and laughs a little

" Wh-what ? "

" Oh nothing , I just remember back in the day , me and your mom use to talk like this . "

" My mom ... oh yeah you were in loooove with her "

" An-anyways , here " rider pulls out a pink pill

" What's this " Lucy takes it in her hand

" It's just something to help the other pills kick in faster "

" But they work just fine ? "

" Lucy ... please take it , it will make me feel better "

Lucy took the pill like she was told .

Rider and Lucy talked for another 5 minutes then Lucy started dozing off .

" You ok Lucy ? "

" Hmm yeah , I just got sleepy "

" Wanna take a nap ? "

" Ah yeah . "

" Alright I'll let you get some sleep . " Rider says while walking out the room

To be continued ...

Hey guys. Sorry I haven't updated in forever lol , I'm off work today so imma be updating my stories . I'm about to do another chapter on this one lol

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