Jealously ?

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Lucy bumps into someone and falls to the floor, " ouch " Lucy says , team Natsu sees that she fell and they started to get heated and about to start a fight but Lucy tells them to calm down because it's only .

Sting & rogue & yukino .
Lucy's stands up wipes the dirt off her skirt and looks up and she saw sting and started getting embarrassed, all the memories from that night started coming back , her face started getting all red, she apologized then walks to her team.
" hey we're about to get on the train also , if you don't mind do you wanna ride together " yukino says
" sure " Lucy says while looking down
" do you have a fever Lucy , your face is all red " gray says
" huh oh no " Lucy says
Yukino looks at sting and rogue and sees sting looks the same as Lucy and rogue looks pissed.
Both the teams went on the train and sat down.
The three girls say together and the four boys + 3 exceeds sat together .
Sting started to get pissed off because he remembered what Lucy told him about Natsu.
" yo Natsu " sting says in a rude tone
" what " Natsu says back annoyed
" why are you even here " sting says
" what ? " Natsu replied
" did I stutter ? " sting says
" why wouldn't I be here , this is my team " Natsu say pissed off
" so , did you guys make up or something " sting says really annoyed
" what ?! " Natsu raised his voice a little
" wait hold on , how the hell would you even know if Lucy and Natsu got into a fight ! " grays says
" huh oh because I went to her pla-- " sting says but couldn't finish because rogue hit him in the stomach
" why does it matter what he knows " rogue says
" when did you guys talk . " Natsu says
" last night " sting says with a smile on his face .
Natsu , gray and rogue stared daggers at him.
They looked over and saw Lucy laughing, and they forgot about what they were talking about and just stared at her while smiling.
The train stopped, and it was team Natsu stop.
Lucy & erza gave yukino a hug, and said by to sting and rogue.
Gray and Natsu walked passed them giving them a dirty look.

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