Thinking about you

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Rogue pov

I went back where sting and lector was and I keep thinking how stupid I was for saying we should meet up again. " God I'm so stupid " I said out loud " why are you stupid " sting said " I kind of ask Lucy if she wanted to hang out because her and fro got along so well " I said " well when are you guys meeting up " sting said " oh I don't know we actually never agreed on a place or a time , I guess I'm ok now since we never even agreed to anything" I said
As we walked back home I was kind of distracted. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Why am I keep thinking about her. I started to get really pissed off. We arrived at Sabertooth guild I walk over to the bar and got some beer. I really wanna see her again. I mean fro really likes her so why not.

Lucy's pov

I took the train back home. And arrived at the guild hall, when I opened the doors natsu ran up to me asking where I went I just said I had to drop something off. I went to the bar and ordered a strawberry shake.
" so did you have fun " Mira said " what are you talking about ?? " I said confused " it's all over your face " she replied " I - I just went to return something to a friend " I said " is it your BOY friend " Mira said happily " Nooo he's not my boyfriend !!! " Mira started laughing and walked off to make some food. I walked back to my apartment I took a shower got in to my pjs and went to bed.

Natsu pov

" hey Mira have you seen luce? "
" she went back home " she replied
Me and happy went to luce place and I started thinking, luce smelled kind of different today I wonder why. We got to Luce place and me and happy got in bed with her like we usually do.

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