A Fated Encounter

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It was a day like any other day. Rena was going for her daily walk with her dog, Annie, down by the lake. Rena was just an average girl, nothing too special. She was 5'2" with long brown hair that she almost always wore in a braid pulled to the side. Her signature look during the summer consisted of jean shorts and crop top t's. One staple item you could find her wearing all the time is her signature high-top black Converse.

She had just graduated high school and was spending her last summer in her small hometown in the middle of nowhere. She was hoping that her childhood friend would show up, it had been 3 years since she had seen them. If they didn't show up then she'd leave. She had plans to move to a new city, go to college, and try to make friends. But for now, she was just relaxing by the lake of her childhood that held so many memories.

*sigh* This was supposed to be an epic summer.  It's just not the same. Something feels like it's missing, or maybe it's someone.

The duo came across a cluster of trees along the bank of the coastline. Annie ran up to the trees and started wagging her tail excitedly.

"What is it, girl?! What'd you find?"

Rena walks up to the treeline and spots a small pathway leading up into the trees. She follows the path and comes to a clearing. In the middle, there was an odd tree. It was thin but the bark was cracked and white. The tree was also covered in strange-looking thorns.

"Hmm. This is weird. It's got spikes coming out of it. I don't think this is a tree that normally grows here. What do you think, Annie?"

Annie starts sniffing the tree then steps back and starts to growl. Rena crouches down next to Annie.

"What is it, girl? You smell something funky?" she says as she pets Annie trying to calm her.

Suddenly a golden portal opens up and Rena hears some yelling. She turns her head just in time to see a figure stumble through the portal. She falls backward onto her rear.

"What the fuc-" she was interrupted with some intense coughing as the figure struggled to shut the portal. "Whoa hey, are you ok?" Rena reaches out towards the figure.

Wait... did I just ask a spirit-looking figure who came through a portal if it's okay? WTF this only happens in movies. WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK IS HAPPENING? There goes my peaceful summer.

"Hey, um... are you ok? What just happened?"

Versa clears her throat and replies "To be honest I'm not sure myself but...oh this is a human realm...ah and no magic or anything special...This is good.. This might work."

Rena stands up as if to leave and replies "Ummm.. yeaaa.. so if you're good I'm just going to be on my way." pointing her two thumbs off to the side.

Versa desperately replies, reaching out. "WAIT..." she looks down "I know this is crazy especially since this is a C-class realm but... would... Would you help me?"

Rena looks puzzled "Well, I'm usually not one to turn down someone who needs help but something tells me I can't help you."

Versa stands up and straightens herself out. "Well, I can understand why you would think that but actually, you can help me out a great deal. It just might be...a little strange for you."

Rena still looking confused "Well..shoot your shot and let's see what happens I guess?"

Versa begins to tell Rena all of what just happened in the Guardian Realm and what exactly are the Guardians.

"So the way that you can help me is to... well it's sort of like... we combine ourselves and become one embodiment for a while so I can recover and figure out a plan to stop Odysseus," Versa explains.

"Ah so basically you possess me?" Rena said raising an eyebrow.

"Well.. when you say it like that it sounds bad, but essentially yes. Although it will be harder for Odysseus to track me down. It'll be harder to detect but we have to act fast. I think he was able to steal enough of my essence to create portals himself which is problematic. I don't know where he will start but it seemed like he wanted my power first."

"Well if it's just to help you hide for a while I guess there shouldn't be too much of an issue. But I do have some questions.." Rena shrugged.

"Sure, I'll answer as much as I can."

"Ok so.. You said you are Versa, Guardian of the Realms, one of the 8 Higher Guardians. And there are lower guardians as well, one of which is the Guardian of Fury - Odysseus. He gained Vivek the Guardian of Intuition's power, when on trial for his crimes, gained some of Aza the Guardian of Power's power, and then tried to go after your power. You then opened 8 different portals, of which you have no idea where they lead to, to allow the others to escape." Rena said with one arm crossed on her chest, tapping her pointer finger on her chin.

"Yes, all that is correct."

"Ok .... And opening 8 different portals used up a ridiculous amount of energy and power so you need to heal. To heal you need the help of a human?" She said pointing to Versa.

"Well, not specifically a human but since this is a C-class world a human will be enough."

"That feels kinda like an insult but I think I get it. So.. when you take possession do you like.. Control my body?" Rena said, moving her hands to her hips.

" I can if need be, but to heal properly I would need to be dormant for a while. This will also help to hide my 'scent' from Odysseus if he happens to make his way into this realm."

"I guess that makes sense. I'm basically like a disguise then?"

"I guess that's one way to put it."

"Do you know how long it will take?"

"Well, not exactly. I need to heal so I can use my power to start finding the others. And that will take a lot of power so I will need to heal again so....It might take a while. That's uncomfortable right?" Versa said shly. She felt embarrassed needing to ask for help.

"Um.. well.. I guess I can help you out for a little while I guess. So how do we do this?"

"It's pretty simple actually. It's with animals when it gets complicated."

"Wait what?" 

"Uhhh never mind that. Ok, are you ready?" Versa said, waving the comment away.

"As ready as I'll ever be I guess." Rena shrugged.

"Ok here we go.... Oh wait.. What's your name?"

"Well it's Serena but I go by Rena."

"Alright, Rena will work then.. Rena, human of C-class world 32, Will you allow me, Versa Guardian of the Realms, to enter your body in a state of dormancy to allow my body to heal and to hide my scent from the evil Guardian Odysseus?"

"Um.. yes?"

Suddenly Versa starts glowing and sparkling. Rena looks amazed gazing at her beauty. Then BAM she disappears.

"Um.. Versa? Did it work?"

Rena hears Versa's voice in her head.

"Yes. It did. Thank you so much, Rena. now we should get out of here just in case he somehow manages to find this world first."

"Gotcha, it was time for me to go home anyway."

"By the way you might want to just speak to me in your head... so it doesn't look like you are talking to yourself."

"Ah good point."

Rena whistles for Annie, who this whole time has just been wandering around close by doing doggie things.

"Come on girl. Let's go home. I need some comfort food and a nap."


A few months later, by a tree covered in spikes a dark red portal opens. Odysseus steps through, sniffing the air, and a menacing smile grows on his face. As an evil chuckle bubbles in his chest, he whispers "Found you." 

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