Coded Message

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A woman with blonde hair was sitting in her little breakfast nook in her small apartment. Looking down at a piece of paper that was amongst her mail.

"Street Side Cafe, This Saturday, 7pm -Blaine"

An invitation from the stranger she met in the park a little over 6 months ago. They had several little meetings like this one he invited her too. He'd always leave a note in her mailbox. She thought it was absolutely adorable. She thought he was absolutely adorable. Sure he had the bad boy vibe going with his style of clothes, white hair, red eyes that shined so brightly in contrast to his aura.

She didn't want to admit it but she was crushing on this stranger. Well he wasn't exactly a stranger anymore. He was the sweetest person she'd met in a long time. He was so easy to talk to and he always had something to talk about. But most of all he listened. He would listen to her go on and on about her books. No one ever listened. "Romance novels are all the same", "they are all so boring", "romance is dead". She'd hear that all the time, from everyone, but not from him. His eyes would sparkle when she went on about the latest novel she was reading. She loved it. She loved seeing the glistening colors in his eyes more than she loved her books. No, she wasn't crushing anymore, she was smitten.

"That cafe is close to the park where we met. I can't wait to see him." She smiled, a blush forming on her cheeks.

Saturday came around and she dressed up in a lovely white sundress. She picked out a pair of red heels, dusted her lips with red lipstick and put on a white ribbon choker with a ruby in the center. She finished off the look with ruby earrings. Red was becoming her favorite color.

She headed off to meet him at the café. As she got closer she saw him sitting outside, smoking a cigarette, bouncing his leg up and down.

"Is he nervous about something? He looks lost in thought." She thought as she got closer.

Once she was in front of him, he seemed to not notice her, so she leaned down to look at his gorgeous red eyes. "Blaine dear? Are you alright?"

He suddenly snapped too and looked up, almost colliding with her face since she was leaning down. They both blushed, he turned his head and she stood up right. "Yes, sorry. Was just thinking about something." He cleared his head, put out his cigarette in the ashtray and stood up to pull her chair out. "Here, please sit down."

She sat down and they had a small meal and chatted away. Afterwards, he suggested they take an evening walk in the park. The sun was setting and the sky was beautiful.

As they were walking they reached the bench where they met. They decided to sit down to watch as the sun finally set behind the horizon.

"Blaine, why were you so anxious earlier? It's been awhile since you've smoked and your leg was bouncing. Is everything alright?" She asked worriedly.

"Oh, yes everything is wonderful. I was just... Nervous about tonight." He responded a little timidly.

"Why would you be nervous? We go on these little get-togethers all the time." She giggled.

"Ah well. Because... I wanted to ask.. you... something." He said, his face turning almost as red as his eyes.

"Blaine, are you sure you're alright? Your face is very flushed." She said reach towards his face.

With one hand he covered his face and the other he grabbed the hand she was reaching out with. "Y-Yes, I-I'm fine. Um. I suppose I should just come out with it before I burst a vessel." He then turned towards her, locking his eyes with her ocean blues.

"My dear Venus. I know it hasn't been that long since we've met, but they have been the happiest months of my existence. I.. Well truth be told, when you met me here that day I said I was waiting for someone. That someone was you. I saw you somewhere before and it was love at first sight. I know that's probably cheesy and, coming from me, unbelievable but it's true. Getting to know you these months just proved to me that it wasn't just your beauty that captivated me, but you as a whole have given me new meaning to living. I want to live with you by my side. So I guess what I'm trying to say is–"

"Yes!" she interrupted him.

"–will... wha-wait, I didn't even–" he stuttered in shock.

"I don't care. The answer would be yes. I have felt so seen with you. You listen to my ramblings and don't tell me it's boring, or all the same or that romance is dead. Your eyes glisten when I speak. It's as if you came out of one of my novels just to steal me away. I also want to live with you by my side, however that may be." She smiled back at his blushing face.

"Ve..." He whispered as he started to lean towards her.

She leaned towards him as he raised a hand to cup her cheek. They lost themselves in each other's eyes as they were drawn together.

"May I?" He whispered softly.

"You may," she whispered back.

He closed the gap and left a soft delicate kiss on her lips.


Rena opened her eyes and groaned.

"What kind of dream was that? So unfair." She grumbled. It's like my dreams are taunting me. Who even are these people?

Suddenly her phone rang, it was Sy.

"Hey," She answered softly.

"Hey, you OK?" Sy asked concerned.

"Yeah, I just had a weird dream. It was kind enough to remind me how single I am. Anyway, what's up?" She said, slightly more cheerful.

"I need you to come into the lab. I received a strange email giving us a "tip". It's not the location of a guardian but it's strange, like a coded message," Sy explained.

"A coded message? What does that mean?" Rena was confused.

"Just come to the lab and we can discuss it."

After the call ended Rena got ready, lingering thoughts on the dream she had. Are these just fantasies, dreams or memories? They feel so... real.

Once she got to the lab, she saw Sy, Lily, Aviv, Alkwan, and Aether. It was unusual for everyone to be gathered all at once like this. Rena was getting a sinking feeling something was very wrong.

"Quiet the gathering we have here. Serious stuff?" Rena tried to lighten the mood, more for herself than anyone.

"Well, it's an interesting situation. Given the fact we are not having any luck finding any other guardians, we can't be sure he doesn't already have them. That being said, the communication we received is concerning."

"How so?" Rena said, raising an eyebrow.

Sy turned her computer screen around. "See for yourself."

Rena looked at the words on the screen. Something was definitely off about them.

"WCB53, CK, MK, BB, SWD, Ryker. -K.S."


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