3am Pizza

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"What the hell.... It's 3 am... I'm just imagining things, right? I should go back to sleep." she sets her cup down on the counter looking towards the door.

*knock, knock, knock*

"Crap. Not imagining things." Rena walks to the door and looks through the peephole but just sees black.

"Huh? What the hell is this?" Rena reaches for her umbrella and holds it behind her (can never be too careful at 3 am).

"Well here goes nothing.." she sighs.

Rena slowly opens the door, umbrella raised ready to defend herself. She was not ready for what she saw. There...in all his creepy glory..stood Death.

"Heyyyyy. You called? I brought pizza!" He said holding up the boxes.

Rena blinked. With a dumbfounded expression, she slams the door.

Rena deadpans "Nope. Not today Death."

3...2...1...*realization* "Oh wait.."

Rena opens the door and reaches for the pizza."OK fine. I wasn't planning to sleep tonight anyway. Come on in and make yourself at home."

Bob sighs "Oh thank God. Thought you were mad at me when you slammed the door in my face. Happens quite a lot actually and it's SUPER awkward. Figured the pizza would help excuse the late-night visit."

"Yeah speaking of that.. why are you here exactly?" she said as she sat on the couch, opening a box, and taking a slice of pizza.

"You called," he said plainly.

Rena visibly confused "Uhh no I didn't. How am I supposed to call you? I don't exactly have Death on speed dial."

Bob shuffles in awkwardly "OK you caught me. Just figured I'd check out if Versa was awake yet."

"So you picked up a pizza and dropped by my house..... at 3 in the morning?"

"Weellllll...... yes?"

Rena just stared at him letting an awkward silence fill the room. She was still trying to decide if this was really happening or if she was having a weird dream..again.

"OK fine. She just woke up a few minutes ago. Want to talk to her?" Rena says as Bob shuffles his way to the couch.

"OMG really?? Yay!!"

"Why do you sound like a giddy schoolboy?"

"......trying to lighten the mood. It feels depressing in here."

"I thought you didn't have feelings."

"I don't but I can see the atmosphere is dark. Are you ok? You look like crap."

"It's probably dark because it's 3 in the morning. But yeah just lack of sleep. I woke up from a rather strange dream. Actually, that's what woke V up."

"Aw you call her V? That's cute."

"I guess..*yawns* well guess we will switch. Maybe I can sleep this time."

"V you there? You've got a visitor."

"Yes. Let's Switch. I can't believe he's here. I'm so excited."

"Now you sound like a giddy schoolgirl. What is going on? No wait. I don't want to know."

Rena closes her eyes, her hair turns to a golden blonde, and when she opens her eyes they are glowing gold. The signs that Versa is now in control of her body.

"Hey... Long time no see...V.." ~smirk~ probably.

Versa tears up "Booooooooobbbbbb. I thought I'd never see you again."

"Psht me? Why would you wanna see lame old me? Besides I'm Death. I was bound to show up eventually."

Versa starts to cry "I....I...can't find the others. I've been trying to use my powers but I can't sense anyone. Did.. did I make the right choice? What if I can't find anyone? What's going to happen to the guardian realm? If He has part of my powers, how safe are we?"

"Whoa whoa, slow down there Ver..Of course, you made the right choice. It was better than letting that sleazeball steal everyone's powers right then and there. You made the right choice dear. And I wouldn't worry too much about not being able to find anyone."

"But why can't I find anyone? *sniff* It's been 2 years."

"Well, I've got news for you!"


"Well.. no...but it's almost just as good!"

Versa looks down at her lap "Oh."

"Hey, don't get so down. We're going to figure this out and hey I gotta say, you found an excellent human to synth with. I can tell she's got a good soul." he said placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Yes, but I worry I'm putting her in unnecessary danger. What if she gets hurt and it'd be all my fault? I can't just body hop to another poor soul. We have rules against that."

"Don't worry. I have this feeling that she was meant to be. That you were meant to find her."

"Alright. If you say so.. I'll trust your word." She looks up towards Bob.

"So anyway. I found someone who can help us," he said as he removed his hand.

"Really? How?"

"Yeah really. She found a way to locate guardians. I'm not entirely sure how she was able to but she helped me locate you so it's gotta be legit."

"That's amazing! Who is she?!" Versa said excitedly. 

"Her name is Sybil. She's in A-Class World 5. Want to go meet her?"

"Of course I do! Oh but what about Rena's human obligations? This is her body after all."

"Ah right. Well, why don't you ask her."

"She's sleeping. She's been working really hard lately. I wouldn't want to disturb her."

"Well, do you happen to know her schedule?"

"No, I've been asleep for about 2 weeks. I tried using my power to locate the others and used too much energy."

"Well does she have a cell phone? Or a calendar somewhere?"

"Oh! Good idea let's see..."

Versa picks up Rena's phone to unlock it but freezes.

"Oh I don't know how to work this."

"Ah let me see." Bob swipes the phone and goes to the calendar. Luckily Rena is a well-organized person and puts everything down in her calendar.

"Hmm looks like she's got the next two days off. Think she'd be ok with you borrowing her body for a bit. It should be a quick trip. "

"I don't know if that's a good idea. I don't want her to get upset with me. This is already a lot for her to take on."

"Yeah, you are probably right. We better ask her first. Come here for a second."

"How are we going to do that if she's sleeping?"

"I'm going into her dreams."

"Huh? How?"

"Like this.." he said as he placed his hand on her head.

"This feels a bit invasive," Versa said crossing her eyes to look at his hand.

"Just trust me OK."

"Well ok but you better take the blame if she gets mad," Versa says.

"I think I can handle a little human." He joked.

"If you say so.." Versa giggled.

Bob mutters some forgotten language then goes silent.

"Bob? Hello? Guess he's in Rena's dreams now... but does his hand have to stay on my head.. this is kind of..awkward." Versa said as she looked around.

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