A Chat with Death

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"Wait.. You. Death.. Were in LOVE?" Rena dropped her coffee to her lap, looking at the being beside her.

"Yes. Why is that so hard to believe?" Bob asked.

"Well, I mean.. You just don't seem like someone who would fall in love." She said awkwardly.

"Ok first of all RUDE. I was capable of feeling before I had them removed. Secondly, I was deeply in love. She was gorgeous. She was an Angel. A goddess among men."

"Wait an actual angel? This better not be some Romeo and Juliet nonsense." Rena grimaced. 

"No, it's just a figure of speech. Look, do you want to hear the story or not?"

"Ope.. Sorry. Please continue." Rena said going back to her coffee.

"Anyway. She was so beautiful. So very beautiful. She had golden hair as bright as the sun. Her eyes were as blue as the sea. It was love at first sight. But she couldn't see me. See I fell in love with her after I had already become a Guardian. I was out on a Job collecting a soul. Funny thing.. I first saw her when I was there to collect her grandfather. That silly old man.. I don't know how he knew but he told me to go for it so I did. I made a pact with a man to synthesize with him so I could interact with her. It was wonderful. We quickly fell in love. But then the accident happened. It hurt seeing her like that and I knew that once her soul had passed on I would never see her again.

So I did what any idiot in love would do. I tried to prolong her life by refusing to collect her soul. But that's the thing about humans. You are only meant to live for so long. Accidents just kept happening. Her time had come but I kept refusing. That only made it worse. She soon grew weary and tired. She was exhausted. I was losing her. So I did something even more ridiculous. I infused her with my essence so she wouldn't be a human anymore. It...didn't end well. She soon learned my true identity and while she said she still loved me she didn't want to live like that. She knew she was supposed to die and was okay with it but I robbed her of her humanity to make her like me so we could live together forever.

Under the right circumstances, it would have worked but it didn't and when the highers learned of what I had done they took her memories and gave me a choice. I chose the option to have all my emotional feelings removed. Joy, sadness, anger.....love. All taken away to atone for my sins. And that's that. The point of this story is that for a guardian to synthesize with a human or creature we have to feel emotions so we don't drain them of their life force. So because of that, I can never synthesize with anyone or anything ever again."

Rena tearing up "That's so sad! What happened to her?"

"She lives on as a guardian. Stripped of her human memories and everything of our time together."

"What's her name??"

"That my dear...is a secret I will take to my grave." he said holding a finger up to his covered face.

Suddenly, sirens were heard quickly approaching.

Bob stood up and picked up his scythe "Ah, there's my cue. Well Miss Rena, remember what I said. Don't go anywhere. I'll come back when Versa wakes up. At least I finally found her. There's so much I need to tell her."

"Wha-wait. I still have questions!"

Bob gives an awkward salute "Next time deary. Besides, I think your lunch is well past over."

Bob fades off to collect the soul. Rena sits there astonished and whispers."But if she's a guardian, doesn't it hurt for you to see her all the time? Maybe I'll ask V if she knows anything about it. My curiosity has been peek ~Sir Death~" Rena grins a mischievous smile before finishing off her coffee and heading back in to finish her shift.


Rena walks into her apartment late at night puts her stuff down on the table and falls on her couch. Looking over at her TV and gaming console debating whether she wanted to play a few rounds to let off some steam or be a responsible young adult and go to bed on time.

"Ugh, what a day. I need to get more sleep from now on." She says to no one in particular.

Rena hears little paws pounding the floor and suddenly a cat as black as night jumps into her arms.

"Hey, Neko. Have a good day?"

"Meeoww" the cat purrs.

Rena smiles "Of course you did. Living the good life huh? Not having to worry about work, sleeping all day, and having me tend to your every need."

"Meow" Neko nuzzles Rena's chin then curls up and falls asleep.

"I'm just a big pillow to you, aren't I? You're lucky you're so cute"

Rena pets Neko as she purrs.

Rena lets out a yawn. "I wish I could sleep as....much...as......you.....do"

Rena drifts off to sleep and begins to dream.


Rena dreams of a couple she doesn't recognize. Everything was blurry so it was hard to decipher what she was seeing. She was seeing things from the woman's point of view. At first, the couple was happy. Going places and seeing sights. Rena could feel the joy and love. Then the couple was hiking in the mountains when suddenly something happened. Rena could feel terror and fear. Unfortunately, for Rena, the dream was extremely unclear and she couldn't understand what was happening.


Rena jolts up in a cold sweat and screams "Blaine!!!" With her arm in the air she looks down to her lap, an awkward stare between owner and cat who was suddenly awakened.

"What the hell was that.....and who, the fuck is Blaine?! Ugh just what I needed. Another weird dream and a sleepless night."

Neko just blankly stares at "Meow" then jumps down and disappears into the darkness.

"Thanks for the support fuzzball.." Rena rolls her eyes.

Rena gets up and heads to the Kitchen. She gets a drink of water when suddenly she hears Versa's voice in her head.

"Rena! Are you ok?? I felt a sense of fear suddenly. Is everything ok?"

Startled.. Rena spits out the water.

"Holy Heck...*cough* V...*cough* don't scare me like that!" Rena grabs a towel and starts cleaning up the mess she made.

"Sorry! I was just worried. That feeling woke me up. What happened?"

"Just a bad dream. Well, I think it was a dream. Or a vision? Or a memory? It wasn't mine though. Ugh, I'm so confused. And tired.."

"What are dreams like? I think I used to have them before I became a guardian but I don't remember."

"I guess it's kind of like a movie. Sometimes memories stir up. I don't know it's kind of hard to explain. Human brains are strange sometimes."

"Oh ok. That makes sense. Well, are you ok now?"

"Yeah, I'm ok. Kinda good timing for you to wake up. I think you helped calm me down.. after giving me a heart attack first."

"Sorry about that."

Rena glances at the clock. Its 3 am.

"So... you'll never guess who paid me a visit at work."

"Oh? Was it a cute boy?" 😏

"No. It was Death, er I mean Bob."

"Oh, that's interesting............WAIT BOB?!"

*knock, knock, knock*

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