MHA - Welcome to Japan

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~Start of My Hero Academia Arc~

Rena was staring in awe at the cityscape of Tokyo. It was just as she imagined it, except for the people. She saw all kinds of people passing her by, the likes she had never seen before. Sure, Lilith had provided pictures but nothing could have prepared Rena for what she was seeing with her own eyes. She probably would have been freaked out if she wasn't ecstatic about being in Japan, a destination she had always wanted to visit back in her world.

"..ystic...Hey! Mystic!... RENA! You there?" Sy was saying through an earpiece.

"Oh yes, sorry Sy. I'm here. I was just taking everything in." Rena replied, snapping back to reality.

"Look I'm all for you sightseeing but please keep in mind we are on a mission and have no idea where the Guardian could be or if Mr. O is sending someone to look for them. You need to be on high alert. I created this earpiece so we could communicate across the realms so I can assist you. Luckily since this is a modern world, it will be easier to use cell phones and technology to communicate."

"So what should I do first?" Rena questioned starting to walk in any direction, looking at everything.

"Well, I would say we should find that Hawks guy that Lily was talking about but that might be harder than anticipated. His agency is located in Fukuoka which is a bit of a distance from Tokyo." Sy explained.

Rena was looking around and spotted a familiar face from the files Lilith had sent over. He was extremely tall and well-built. He had a scar across his left eye spanning the length of his face.

"Well, what about the number one hero? What was his name?" Rena asked as she started to follow the familiar face.

"Who, Endeavor?" Sy asked.

"Yeah, that guy. I see what Lily meant by he looks grumpy all the time." Rena giggled.

"Hmm, I supposed it's worth a shot. Maybe you could train your fire element while you're there. Let me do some research to see what we can swing to get you in. For now, head to the location I'm sending to your phone. It will be your temporary living arrangements."

"Thanks, Sy. Talk to you soon." Rena said as she clicked the earpiece, ending the call.

She followed her phone's GPS to the location of a hotel and walked inside. She looked around as she made her way to the front desk. Whoa, this place looks high-class. She checked in with the receptionist and then made her way to her room to set down her stuff.

Once she got to her room she was even more amazed. It was a suite on the top floor with a breathtaking view of the city. The large windows opened up into a balcony. I don't think I could get used to this, this is amazing. She set her stuff down on the small sofa and looked around the room. There was a small kitchen connected to the small living area. Behind the kitchen was a door leading into the bedroom with a queen-sized bed. Around the corner was the bathroom. It almost feels like my apartment back home.

She walked back into the kitchen and opened the fridge. She wasn't sure why because obviously there wasn't going to be anything in there. I guess I could go and pick up some groceries if I'm going to be here a while. I kinda miss Mirajane's cooking. It was nice not having to worry about cooking for myself but I guess we are back in modern times. She closed the fridge and grabbed her coat to head back out.

She found a convenience store just around the corner from the hotel. She went in and grabbed a basket and started filling it with things she would need. Luckily, since she was on her own so often growing up she became quite the chief. She wasn't an expert or anything but she at least taught herself how to cook different types of cuisine so she knew a few simple Japanese dishes she could make. She was a little lost in picking out her food she didn't notice the shady individual enter the store.

The shady individual noticed Rena and that her appearance was of a foreigner. Being a villain that targets foreigners he was grinning at finding his next victim. He didn't notice a young teen with dark green hair following him.

Rena felt a chill go down her spine, something didn't feel right. She moved her eyes up to look at the reflection in the door of the cooler she was in. Someone was creepily standing behind her. She didn't want to make a scene but something didn't feel right. Is this what they call a villain in this world? Is he targeting me? She was about to turn around to ask him if he needed something to try and buy some time for her to decide what she could do, but before she could she heard a soft voice coming from beside her.

"Um Miss, you dropped this earlier." the young teen with dark green hair said with his hand raised holding what appeared to be a wallet. It wasn't Rena's but it only took her a moment to understand what the boy was doing.

"Oh thank you very much, young man. I wouldn't have gotten very far without this!" Rena said with a smile, reaching for the wallet.

"Whoa you speak really good Japanese Miss!" the young teen replied with a smile, his eyes trailing behind Rena at the villain who noticed and seemed to give up turning to exit the store.

Once Rena no longer felt his presence she turned around to see he was gone and sighed. She turned back to the teen in front of her.

"Thank you for that. I wasn't sure what I was going to do there." She said looking at the smiling boy.

"That's alright Miss! I noticed him following you so I did what any Hero would do." He smiled even bigger.

"Oh, are you going to be a Hero?" She asked.

"Yes. I want to be the number one hero, like All Might!"

"Well, those are some very ambitious goals you have there. I'd like to thank you for saving me, Mr. Hero. Can I treat you to an ice cream?" Rena said glancing at the ice cream cooler behind the boy.

"Oh no that's all right. I don't need any reward or anything. I was just happy to help." He said awkwardly shaking his hands.

"Well, then can I at least get the name of the next number-one Hero?" Rena asked.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, but my hero name is Deku." He said excitedly.

"Well thank you, Deku. My name is Mystic and I appreciate the assistance" Rena said shaking the boy's hand.

Deku walked Rena up to the register as he continued to talk to her about random things. Even though it was a short walk Rena felt that he was going to talk her ear off. After she checked out her items, Deku insisted that he at least walk her back to the hotel in case that villain was still lurking around. They made it around the corner safely and Deku waved goodbye as he said "Welcome to Japan, Miss Mystic!". Rena smiled and waved the talkative boy off as she went inside, already exhausted from the whole ordeal. That kid sure talks a lot.

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