World Class B - 53

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"What does this even mean?" Rena asked, looking at Sy.

"I'm not sure but I believe the first part is the location. World Class B - 53." Sy explained.

"Well that's a start, what kind of world is it?" I should really ask how they classify worlds. Mine was Class C I think, and that feels like an insult.

"It's a world infused with mana, so it's magic, however it's different from Fairy Tails magic. Fairy Tail's world has an element called 'Ethernano'. This is where their mages get their power. In this new world, they are more versed with mana. In both worlds, the element dwells within all living organisms, the earth, and atmosphere. You could say they are one in the same, but regardless in this world they channel their magic a little differently. They have books called grimoires. They are sort of like your staff, in that it enhances their magical abilities." Aether chimed in.

"Alright, what about the other parts? Well, I think 'Ryker' is easy enough to distinguish but is this from him?" Rena said, tapping her chin with her finger.

"No, I think it's warning us about him. I think it's from someone with the initials K.S." Sy said, leaning back in her chair.

"Do we know anyone with those initials?"

"Not that I can recall. That being said this could also be a trap," Sy let out a huff.

"But it could also be a lead. Maybe we have more allies out there we don't know yet. Maybe it's one of the other Guardians?"

Aviv spoke up this time. "None of the remaining higher guardians have those initials. For one, our Guardian names are only one. Also, only 3 higher guardians know of their origins, therefore their given names. If this was one of them it wouldn't do much good considering no one would know them."

"I guess that makes sense. Wait, who are the 3 that know their origins?"

"Veda, Bob, and me." Aviv said stoically.

"WAIT, YOU?! So you know what your name was before you became a guardian?!" Rena asked excitedly.

"Yes. Is it that surprising? I'm the guardian of time. I oversee the past, present, and future so I know my own past therefore I know my own name." he explained.

"Wait if you can see the future, then couldn't you have stopped all of this before it happened?" Rena's face dropped into a frown.

"Unfortunately, even Guardians have limits to our abilities. I can't see the past or future of fellow guardians. So this entire string of events is beyond my sight. I can't even look to see where this information leads us." he said with frustration.

"That's...really inconvenient." Rena grumbled, but curiosity was still getting the best of her, "But anyway, what's your given name?" Well, it's convenient for the author's plot.

"That information is kept secret for multiple reasons. I'm sorry but I can't tell you. All I can say is that those initials do not match anyones given name." Aviv said plainly.

"That's also hella inconvenient. Do we have anything besides the world to go on?" Rena said, growing more frustrated.

"We might. I was doing some recon again and here is what I discovered. There are a few continents but the one I think we will find answers to is split into 4 kingdoms, Heart, Spade, Diamond, and Clover. My reason, CK - Clover Kingdom." Lily stated, with her arms crossed, chewing her bubble gum like usual.

"I guess that makes sense. What else?" Rena was intrigued.

"Well, they have a government system, it includes Kings, Royalty, stuff like that but they have armed forces called 'Magic Knights'. That might be the MK. As for the BB, their Magic Knights are broken into nine 'squads'. One of those squads is called the Black Bulls." she continued.

"This all seems to fit perfectly, almost to perfect." Rena scrunched her eyebrows together. "What about SWD?"

"That's the only one I couldn't figure out. Everything else seems to be an acronym for something but those letters don't match anything else." Lily rolled her eyes as she popped another bubble.

"Could it be an, oh what do the humans call it... an abbreviation for something?" Alkwan chimed, he had been surprisingly quiet this whole time. Quite different from the first time Rena met the guardian.

"Hm, that could be... let me run an analysis on abbreviations for the letters SWD." Sy turned towards her computer and began to type.

Rena was thinking hard. This was a puzzle, she wanted to solve it. It's just a word game right? SWD. SWD. Knights. Royalty. S.W.D. That's it!

"SWORD!' Rena yelped, "That's gotta be it! They have knights right? Knights have swords."

"Well yes but they are magic knights, they use magic?" Lily popped back.

"I mean, I guess. But it does seem to fit. Did you find anything?"

"I have to agree. Most everything I pulled up were either acronyms or words that wouldn't relate to the world in any sort of way. I think 'sword' is a safe bet to go on, however, that still leaves the question of what all of this means and what it has to do with Ryker. He's Odyessus' right hand man so this can't be anything good." Sy said as the gears started ticking, "We will approach this with extreme caution. Rena, that means you have to be on high alert. We don't want a repeat of the LOV do we?"

Rena turned her face down, placing her hand on her thigh. "No, we definitely don't want that."

"So based on our 'lead' we need to get Rena into this magic squad. How would we go about that?" Sy turned towards Lily.

"Well, every year they have a Magic Knights Entrance Exam. Individuals go through a series of tests and trials and are later picked by the squad captains. She could pose as an applicant and see if she's picked by the Black Bulls squad." Lily explained.

"And in the event she isn't picked by them?"

"I'm not sure, based on the previous year, if she shows a significant amount of promise, she could be requested by every captain. A boy did so in the last exam so he was able to pick which one he wanted to join."

"But, they use books to enhance their power, I use a staff. How would I get around that?" Rena asked.

Aether smiled. "Oh Rena, you can control the elements. If you concentrate you can manipulate your enhancer into the shape of a book."


Aether let out a small giggle. "Yes my dear. It does take practice but you can change the elements of your staff. It channels your magic power through it. If you so will it, it will change its shape."

Rena looked down at her baton. She always just assumed that hitting the button activated the staff to allow her to channel her magic through it. Could she actually change its shape? She closed her eyes and concentrated on the image of a book. She felt a surge of magic flow through her and when she opened her eyes, in her hand was a book.

"I did it!" She looked up at everyone with excitement.

"Well, I think it's settled then. You will take the exam and try to win the Black Bulls captain over. Then we can see what we can find out about a sword and what connection it has to Ryker." Sy exclaimed with a smile.

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