MHA - The Fight

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Mystic gritted her teeth, her leg throbbing with pain from the deep cuts she had sustained earlier. But she couldn't let that stop her now. Aviv's safety was at stake, and she was the only one who could protect him.

Odysseus sneered, his eyes blazing with godly power. "You're no match for me, Mystic," he taunted, hurling a bolt of energy at her.

"Doesn't mean I shouldn't try!" She shouted as she tossed her staff to the side, Summoning a bubble surrounding herself and the other to deflect the attack. But Odysseus was relentless, unleashing a barrage of energy blasts making it hard for Mystic to block all of them. Her bubble shields started to weaken and one blast hit her knocking her back causing her to yelp in pain.

She looked up at Odysseus who was slowly walking towards her. She stood up, slightly ungracefully, due to her injured leg and the wind getting knocked out of her. She didn't let that stop her, though. She was determined to defend Aviv and get everyone out of there. Where is Sy? She's supposed to be watching through the video feed. We need to get out of here but I don't know what to do.

"You have no idea who you are dealing with, I'm–" He started to monologue.

"Oh, I know who I'm dealing with... Odysseus, Guardian of Fury. " She interrupted as she launched a ball of fire that hit Odysseus and exploded, barely damaging him at all.

His face grew a sinister grin as he shrugged off his attack. "You may know my name, but you don't know what I'm capable of just yet. I'm not even at my full power and you are already struggling against me. Just who are you? Thinking you can take me on?"

She didn't answer him, instead ready herself for her next attack. The flaming particles surrounding her grew larger and brighter.


Meanwhile, Hawks clashed with Ryker who had transformed into an Eagle, their wings beating fiercely as they battled in mid-air. Ryker was relentlessly nose-diving Hawks trying to catch him with his sharp beak, but Hawks was too fast. Ryker grew frustrated and decided to test one of his new powers. He transformed into a swirling vortex of darkness that threatened to engulf Hawks.

"What are you doing, hero?" he snarled. "Why are you helping this bitch? It will only cause you more trouble than it's worth."

Hawks didn't even flinch, using his feather blades he carved a path through the vortex and struck at Ryker's core. "Because... She's a lost soul like me."

Ryker flinched at the hit but quickly recovered himself. Grinding his teeth together in anger, he reached out grabbing Hawks by the head activating his mind control powers. "Lost soul, huh? Let's see what makes you tick then," he said as he reached into Hawks' mind he started seeing glimpses of his past.

Feeling the invasion, Hawks tried to fight back but Ryker's hold on his mind was too strong. He saw images of his past floating to the surface of his mind. He started to feel that dreadful helplessness as this man stole his past from him. He saw his father coming home mad, yelling at him and his mother. He saw his mother sitting on the ground in a subway station, telling him to use his wings for something. He saw himself going to the police, being handed over to the commission. His training with the commission, his secluded life behind the doors of that place. He was about to let it all go until he heard someone yell his name breaking him from his trance.

"HAWKS! You look like you could use some saving!" someone said followed by an explosion next to his ear.

Hawks blinked, coming back to reality he looked up and saw young Bakugo on top of Ryker holding him down with one hand, the other raised generating sparks ready for another attack. A sinister grin on the kid's face. "Let's just murder him and get this over with," Bakugo growled.

"Ah, thanks, kid. I'll take it from her–" Hawks started to say but Ryker interrupted him with an evil laugh. "Ooh ho I got some juicy information from that little exchange." he sneered, snapping his fingers he disappeared. His laugh still haunting everyone's ears.

Hawks and Bakugo looked around, desperately trying to find the villain, but suddenly their attention was on Mystic and Odysseus' fight.


As her fight raged on, Mystic channeled her fire powers through her staff, creating a fiery weapon that crackled with energy. She clashed with Odysseus, their magic colliding in a spectacular display of light and sound.

Mystic's limbs felt heavy as she realized she was reaching her limit. She was out of breath and her leg was burning up, dripping with blood. She raised her staff in front of her and it began to spin, charging up for her final attack. She was going to give it her all. She released a huge laser beam of fire at Odysseus.

Odysseus just laughed it off, his body glowing with an aura of divine power. He countered with a wave of energy that sent Mystic flying across the park, her injured leg worsening from the impact.

"Just give up. You can't win against me. Run back to your little world and enjoy the last moments you can with your loved ones. If you even have any. " he taunted.

Hawks tried to swoop in to help, sending his feathers to cushion Mystic's fall. But Ryker was ready, snapping his fingers to transform into a massive, serpentine creature that wrapped itself around Hawks, squeezing him mercilessly.

Just as the serpent was about to squeeze Hawks like a bug, it suddenly started turning into ice from the tail up to its head until it was completely frozen. Hawks looked down and saw young Todoroki had frozen the serpent. Hawks was able to wiggle himself free. He quickly rushed over to help Mystic up.

Odysseus was slowly walking closer, a smile that would make even the devil cry was stretching across his face.

"H-hawks. We... We need to get out of here. We can't.. Fight him." Rena struggled to speak between gasps of air as Hawks helped her to her feet. Bakugo and Todoroki joined them as Odysseus was getting closer. Midoryia was holding Aviv up who was still regaining his own strength.

"What do you suggest we do then?" Hawks asked.

Rena was trying to think but the injuries to her leg had only gotten worse during the fight. She was struggling to concentrate, her vision was starting to get blurry.

"I... I don't... I don't know." she whispered defeatedly.

Odysseus has stopped a few feet in front of the group. He raised his hand ready to attack again. "I'll give you one last chance. Hand him over and I'll let you live.."

"No," Rena said firmly. "Never."

"Have it your way then." he sent out one last burst of energy. As he did, Rena gathered the remaining strength she had and sent a shield to cover the group.

Just as she did there was a flash of light and suddenly the group wasn't in the streets of Japan anymore. 

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