MHA - UA's newest Teacher

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A week had gone by since the emotional rollercoaster that was Hawks' Birthday. The two had grown close and Hawks started calling Mystic his best friend. He would text her all the time, checking in, telling her stupid dad jokes, and keeping her updated on things happening at the Mansion. They had also informed Sy of all that Hawks had learned at the mansion. She was not happy in the least but left the planning to Hawks. She was doing her work trying to find information on the hospital.

The day after Hawks' visit, Rena made her way to the school to meet with the principal and homeroom teachers of the hero classes she would be teaching. They were interesting, to say the least. One teacher was loud and obnoxious in Rena's opinion. He was the teacher for class 2-A. The teacher for class 1-A was exactly the opposite. He was rather monotoned and looked like he hadn't slept in ages. Rena was slightly worried for his well-being but he seemed like he had a hang on things, and was regarded as one of the best teachers at the academy.

Today was the day she would meet the students. She was a little nervous, to say the least. The faculty had all been extremely nice, she had moved into the dorms a few days ago but apparently, the students had been allowed to travel home for the New Year and were not back yet when she arrived. She had spotted a few roaming the grounds that morning but now she was about to meet both her classes. She stood outside the door of class 1-A. Taking a deep breath in and out as she heard Mr. Aizawa announce her and she took that as her cue to come inside. So she reached for the door and opened it, stepping inside the classroom.

Mr. Aizawa looked at her with an expressionless face. "Well you have them for the next hour, have fun." He said as he curled himself in a yellow sleeping bag and laid down under the desk.

"Um.. ok. Thanks?" She said, confused at his actions and how he was supposedly the best teacher if he was literally sleeping in class. Aren't the students usually the ones to sleep?

"Miss Mystic!" She heard a slightly familiar voice call her name, causing her to look up and spot the familiar teenager who had helped her on her first day in this world.

"Oh! Midoriya right? Wow, so you're a student at this school then? I had no idea!" Rena relaxed a little at the familiar face. Not that they were close but it somehow broke the tension rising in the air.

Suddenly a sharp voice pierced the air causing Rena to jump. "Yo nerd! How do you already know the new substitute?" A spiked blonde boy growled at the poor soft-spoken kid.

"I just happened to run into her the other day at the store, Kacchan!" Midoriya defended himself.

"You trying to one-up me again? Getting a head start on our English course too? YOU BASTARD!" The blonde barked back. Seriously, he's like an angry dog. Like... an angry Pomeranian. Rena chuckled to herself.

Another boy spoke up with a soft, yet monotone voice. He had two-toned hair, half white, half red. "Bakugo, give Midoriya a break. Let's just get started with class."

The blonde sat back, his face still scrunched up in anger.

Rena cleared her throat and began to speak "Right, so as you know I am your new substitute for English. You can just call me Mystic. Let's get started. Please keep any questions you have until the end of class. Thank you."

And just like that, Rena taught her first class. Everything went smoothly. She taught for about 45 minutes since she didn't have much of a plan for the class as of yet. The last 15 minutes of class she was bombarded with questions, not about English of course, but about her personal life. What her quirk was, where she was from, who her favorite hero was, etc. Needless to say, after that she was completely exhausted. Luckily she had an hour break before she needed to teach class 2-A.

She found her way to the teacher's lounge after getting slightly lost on her way back from the cafeteria. She heard some voices in there that she recognized. It was Midoriya and that angry kid, Bakugo was it? And another voice. Must be another teacher. She thought. She decided to stand outside and wait, not wanting to interrupt their conversation. She heard her phone ding and smiled thinking it was Hawks with something stupid to cheer her up. Much to her disappointment, it wasn't Hawks.

Dabi: Creekside Park. This Saturday. 8 pm. Don't be late.

Well.. look who wants to talk now.

She was a little annoyed at the fact she had gathered "information" on Hawks and when the time came for her to give Dabi said information he just blew her off. Especially after making a big deal out of it. Then she heard nothing for a week. Now he suddenly wants to meet? This felt suspicious but she needed a way to get into the mansion and the hospital to find the guardian. They had already wasted so much time but Hawks insisted they needed to wait for the right moment. When that moment was she had no idea.

Suddenly the door to the teacher's lounge opened and out stepped Midoryia and Bakugo, followed by a teacher Rena had not met yet.

"Oh, Miss Mystic! What are you doing here?" Midoriya asked.

"She wants to use the teacher's lounge, she was probably just waiting for us to leave." Bakugo snapped as he walked off. "Come on Deku, we have practical training in the gym."

"Bye Miss Mystic, See you tomorrow!" Midoryia said as he waved, following Bakugo towards the gym.

"Hello! I don't think we've met yet. I'm All Might. You must be the substitute teacher." A voice spoke up from beside her. She turned and saw his hand outstretched so she grabbed it and returned the greeting. "Ah yes, You can call me Mystic. I look forward to working with you." She smiled back, but as she shook his hand she saw a flash of something in her mind. It was quick but it looked like 8 other people suddenly and the words "One for All" popped into her head. She yanked her hand back and looked up at the man who had an equally shocked look on his face.

She unintentionally whispered the words she heard One for All? Then suddenly the man grabbed her hand and pulled her into the room and shut the door. Without turning around he asked her a question. "What's your quirk Miss Mystic?"

"My quirk? It's um.. I can control the elements. Earth, Air, Water, Fire." She replied, slightly confused at the situation.

"Then how did you just do that?" He asked turning around.

"Do what exactly?" She asked stepping back from the man.

"You saw them, the others. And you just spoke my quirk. Not many people know what my quirk is called. So how? How did you do that?" He asked, visibly upset, but not threatening.

Rena relaxed a little but was just as confused herself. "I'm honestly not sure. I've never had something like that happen before. But, can I ask why not many people know about your quirk? You said it like it's some big secret."

"That's because it is a secret." He answered flatly making his way to the couch in the room to sit down. He let out a sigh as he did.

"Um, well alright then. I'll just forget it even happened. I mean I don't understand any of what that just was so should be easy." Rena said, making her way to a chair nearby to have a seat herself. This day just kept getting more exhausting, and she still had one more class to teach.

The two sat in silence for a moment then the man spoke up "Miss Mystic, I have to confess, I saw something as well."

Rena turned to face him curious as to what he could have seen. "What did you see?" She asked after an awkward silence.

"I don't know how to explain it, but a golden woman and the name Versa popped into my head, along with the words 'Guardian of Realms'. What does that all mean?" He asked.

Oh no. How did he see all of that? What do I do? His power is a secret, can I just tell him all that he saw was a secret too?

"Um well... It's sort of a secret." Rena said awkwardly. The man just chuckled in response.

"Touche. Well, I won't push as long as you won't either." He said standing up, ready to leave the room.

"That's fine by me. Have a lovely day sir!" Rena said as he left the room. Well, that was beyond awkward. She thought as she looked down at her phone, noticing the time, she jumped up and left quickly to meet her second class. 

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