MHA - Old Friends

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It took everyone 10 seconds to recover from the shock of not being hit by the powerful blast and realize they were safe.

"Sorry for the sudden transport but things were not looking so good." they heard a woman speak from behind them.

They turn around to see Sy sitting at her desk, looking a bit chaotic.

Rena snaps her head towards Sy with a scowl. "What the hell... took you... so long?"

Sy let out an exasperated breath. "We were hacked. Thankfully they didn't get any important information but it unfortunately caused the feed to cut out and took my immediate attention to keep confidential information from–"

"What confidential information?!" Rena snapped, stumbling on her injured leg, grimacing from the pain.

"Information about you, the guardians, our contacts from other worlds. But that's not important right now! You need medical attention!" Sy said shifting gears, running up to Rena to help support her.

After coming to terms with where they were, Hawks snapped back to reality and jumped over to take Rena from Sy. "Do you have a first aid kit?"

"Better, we have an infirmary, right down that hallway. Take her there and you should find what you need."

"You're not coming?" Rena asked, starting to pass out from the exhaustion catching up to her.

"Not yet, I want to but Hawks can handle it. I need to inform the 3 upcoming heroes of the situation and we need to get Aviv fixed up as well," Sy replied softly.

"Right... thanks...for the save Sy.." Rena mumbled as the exhaustion caught up to her.

Hawks carried her to the infirmary and set her down on the bed. He looked at her leg and frowned. "I'm sorry I was late. So much for being the fastest Hero in Japan."

"No. You were....there....when I needed you," Rena mumbled in her fight to stay awake.

Hawks looked up at her but saw she had finally settled into her rest. He softly smiled "Thanks, Mystie." he whispered. He turned to gather the supplies needed to patch her up the best he could. He wasn't an expert but he did have basic first aid knowledge as part of his hero training.


Sy looked over the remaining 4 individuals in her lab. She sighed before beginning her introduction and synopsis of what was happening.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions. Let me make it short for you. Your teacher, Mystic, is actually from a parallel world. She traveled to your world looking for a guardian. She teamed up with Hawks to investigate the LOV as we suspected, correctly i might add, that they had captured Sir Aviv here. I apologize for teleporting you here but there wasn't any time. That man who was fighting Mystic is known as the Guardian of Fury, Odysseus. He is on a mission to capture and take all of the remaining Guardian's powers to become a God of this 'New World' he wants to create. It was better to transport you out of there as quickly as possible. We can take you back as soon as we know it is safe."

The boys just stared blankly at Sy as she gave them the explanation of what was happening. Bakugo was the first one to speak up.

"I thought something was suspicious about Teach and the Birdbrain hanging out." He mumbled.

"How long will we be away? We are expected back at the agency any minute now." Todoroki said flatly.

"Are Miss Mystics powers a quirk? They looked to be something more. I mean her entire appearance changed. I know she said her quirk was manipulating the elements but I don't think there is a quirk that can do all of that. Most people only have control over one element. Well, I guess Todoroki has control over fire and ice but that's passed down from his parents–" Midoriya continued to ramble as he frantically wrote things down in a notebook, causing a 'tch' mark to form on Bakugo's forehead.

"Ugh Deku, SHUT UP," Bakugo growled.

"I can get you back to a few moments before you came across our group in the park. You will need to take a different path to the agency but it will assure no lapse in your timeline." Aviv spoke up.

"That would be fantastic Aviv, but firstly, take this," Sy said handing him a GPP bracelet.

"What's this?" He said looking at it curiously.

"It's a device that will hide your presence from Odysseus. Also, If you prefer to be bonded, I have an android you can bond with for a more solid grounding while you are here in this realm."

"That would be fine. Thank you."

"Now then. Do you boys have any other questions?"

Before they could answer Hawks had stepped back into the room.

Midoriya spoke up "Ah Hawks! Is Miss Mystic alright?"

"She'll be fine. It was nothing serious but she might want to take a few days off. Do you have a doctor that could look at her injuries? I know basic first aid but I think she should still have someone check her over." Hawks said resting his hands in his pockets.

"We do but in her case, I think there is someone else I should call," Sy replied. She looked down at her phone and dialed a number.

"Hello there... I have a favor to ask of you.. Would you be able to stop by?... Ah well, Mystic was injured on her last mission.... She's ok but... ok.. Very well. Thank you. See you soon." she said as she hung up the phone.

"Well, now that's taken care of.. Hawks, may I see the device Mystic gave you."

"Ah of course," He said pulling the cell phone from his pocket and handing it to Sy.

"Thank you." she walked over to her computer and plugged it in. "I'm upgrading the software on here so it's more protected. I'm not too thrilled our security was able to be breached like that. To make it worse I wasn't able to track down where it was coming from. I may be skilled but the engineer that was skilled in that department has been missing for a while."

She finished up with the device and handed it back to Hawks.

"I get to keep this?" He asked confused as to why she handed it back to him.

"Yes. Just because we retrieved the guardian from your world doesn't mean Odysseus is done with it. I'd like you to keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior that would relate to our problems and notify Mystic or me."

"Of course," Hawks said with a soft smile. He was secretly happy he'd still be able to contact Mystic if she was leaving his world for good after this. She had said after they retrieved the guardian that she'd be gone for good and he was a little saddened by that fact. The two had grown close and he didn't want to lose a friend like her.

Just then there was a flash and a group of people appeared.

"Ah, you guys made it quicker than I expected. Thank you."

"We just finished up a mission and were on our way back to the guild hall," Erza said with a smile.

"Where is Mystic? I'll go heal her injuries." Wendy said looking around.

"She's in the infirmary down the hall. Thank you again for coming on such short notice." Sy said with a sad smile.

"Of course! Mystic is our guild mate!" Natsu explained with a bright smile.

"Aye, sir!" Happy cheered.

"How is she doing?" Lucy asked looking at Sy.

"She's alright, just some injuries that need a little more than just a bandaid but nothing serious."

"That's good to hear." Lucy smiled.

"Are these more people for the mission?" Gray asked noticing the new individuals in the room.

The Hero and heroes in training were just staring at the group of wizards that had appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh! Where are my manners? Yes, these are some of Mystics' friends from the world she was just in. Hawks, students, these are Mystics friends from–"

"...Fairy Tail" Hawks said remembering the memories Versa showed him of Mystic time with the wizards. He then smiled thinking about how happy Mystic would be that her friends came to help.

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