MHA - Here we go again...

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Rena looked at Hawks, trying to gauge if they should disclose anything to Dabi. Just because he helped them escape doesn't mean he deserves to know anything right?

Aviv was the first to speak. "If you must know, then know this... The man back there is planning to create a world where he is the singular ruler. He plans to take all of our powers, destroy the boundaries between worlds, and let the chaos determine who survives in the new world."

"Whose power is he taking?" Dabi asked, still tense from his frustration.

"The Guardians. Beings who exist solely to protect the elements that makeup existence. For example, I am the Guardian of Time. I oversee and protect all things related to time. If he takes my power he could manipulate time itself, rewrite timelines for individuals or whole universes."

Dabi was silent. He had heard some wild stories before but this one seemed literally out of this world. He wasn't sure if he was buying it. He glanced towards Rena.

"So how does Mystic Bitch over here fall into all of this?" he scoffed.

Hawks flexed his wings, narrowing his eyes "Don't call her–" Rena held up her hand to stop him.

"It's fine, Hawks." she sighed "When a guardian enters a realm not of their own, they can bond with one of its inhabitants. This can mask their presence and allow them to roam freely through said realm. I'm the human that the Guardian of Realms bonded with."

"Right. Is that why your hair was turning blonde a few minutes ago?" Dabi question.

"Wait what?" Rena looked startled.

"I think she started to come out. You were... In a state of shock and I think it made you unstable." Hawks said, crossing his arms.

"He's correct. I believe seeing the syringe triggered Versa's memory of when he stole some of her power and it caused her to go unstable. The reaction was forcing you to unbond. Usually, it's the host that goes unstable though."

"So basically V started having a panic attack and it was affecting me as well?" Rena asked.

"Correct," Aviv said flatly.

"Right. That's... Not good." she said looking down.

Hawks looked down at her and his heart felt heavy. This was so much for her to take on with such little support. Where was Sy? Wasn't she supposed to be her backup? He pulled up his phone getting ready to dial her again when he heard a voice.

"Is that Hawks?" someone shouted from a few meters away.

"Shit. Looks like I'm out of here. Have fun with whatever the fuck this shit is and leave me out of it." Dabi said as he raised his hood and covered his face with his mask. He disappeared into the shadows just as a group of people showed up.

It was her students, the trio they saw earlier that day with Endeavor.

"Oh, and it's Miss Mystic! Hello!" Midoryia cheerfully greeted them as they walked up.

"Oh um Hello boys." She said with a small wave.

"You look like shit," Bakugo said flat out.

"Kacchan! That's not a nice thing to say!"

"He's right though Midoryia, she doesn't look so good." Todoroki chimed in.

"Uh we had an encounter with some villains but I'm alright. Hawks was there to save the day." She said with a cheerful smile.

"Oh well, that's good! Hawks is the fastest Hero in Japan."

"Oh stop. You're making me blush." Hawks playfully said with his fake Hero smile.

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