The Mysterious Woman

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The group steps through the portal into a large room filled with technology. There were pieces and parts scattered everywhere. Whiteboards with calculations covering them, leaving no space for more. In the middle of the room sat a desk, where someone was sitting with their back facing the group.

"Whoa, where are we" Bob asked, amazed at all the chaos about the room.

A woman with strawberry blonde hair, pulled up into a bun, glasses at the end of her nose, and a white lab coat atop her light purple button-up blouse was sitting in a chair. The young woman spins around to welcome the group.

"Welcome to A-Class World 5, or as we like to call it Ureka. My name is Sybil. But you can call me Sybi or Sy (Ci) for short." the young woman introduced herself with a smile.

"Hello there! I'm Death but you can just call me Bob."

"Yes, I assumed as much. It's fairly obvious who you are." Sy gesteture to Bob's persona.

Verse let out a small giggle. Sy turns to look at Versa "And you must be Rena or Versa."

"Um yes, it's a pleasure to meet you, Sybil."

"Please call me Sy." she looks towards Lilith, with a soft smile "And you must be Lilith, Damien said you would be the ones to escort these two."

Lilith who had not been paying attention and looking at her phone finally looks up. Popping another gum bubble.

"Yup, that would... be.. me.." Lilith suddenly blushes "Um so anyway I brought them here, do you.. um.. need me... for anything?"

"Hmm. I suppose not but if you don't mind I would like to have your contact information in case I need to contact you." Sy says with a coy smile.

"Um, sure. Here you go." Lilith and Sy exchange phones. She enters her information in Lilith's phone and hands it back to her.

"Thank you.. Lilith," she says still smiling a cute smile.

"Oh please just call me Lily.. heh since we're on nickname bases I guess.. Haha" Lilith nervously scratches the back of her neck as she grabs her phone back.

Bob whispers to Versa "I've never seen Lilith this.. This is hilarious."

"Shhhh she'll hear you and I don't think she'd be too happy hearing you make fun of her. Besides It's adorable if you ask me. ~I ship it~ as Rena would say" she whispers back.

"Well, I'll be going now. Have fun! Bye!" Lilith gives an awkward wave as she waves her scythe to open her portal and steps through.

Sy clears her throat and turns to a more serious tone "Now down to business. Have a seat" She directs her hand at the three seats in front of the desk.

Sy begins to explain to the guardian duo the basics of who she is. "I'm not sure how much you know but let me start from the beginning. As I said my name is Sybil. This is Ureka. We have much more advanced technology than Rena's world. Along with technology, we have individuals who have what we call gifts but it's essentially magic. I possess the gift of clairvoyance. I'm also a gifted engineer and scientist. I recently came across some interesting readings. Upon investigating I discovered something or someone that you might be interested in... You can come out now." she raised her voice slightly towards the back of the room.

The duo hears footsteps from behind them and turns to see a figure walking towards them.

Bob starts to speak "Holy sh... and I thought I knew how to make a creepy entrance...OH MY GOD!" Bob jolts up "It's YOU!"

Versa squints, struggling to see the figure in the shadows before they finally step into the light. "It's you! Oh my gosh! We found someone!" she says to Bob "I'm so happy we found someone!" She turns back towards Sy "Thank you so much for finding her! I'm glad to know she's safe."

Sy "Well I can't say I did too much. I just noticed a sudden flux in the atmospheric conditions and then a surge of unknown power. I followed the trail and there she was lost and confused. She ended up fusing with an android I had with me to investigate and it seems that when she did the android somehow changed its shape to match her essence I suppose, so she surprisingly didn't need to fuse with a human."

"Wait that's possible?" Bob Versa and Bob questioned.

"In this world yes, however, I believe Rena's world is a little different. I would say we could explore the option of "moving" you over to an android, however, under the circumstances and the process of un-fusing, I believe it is best you stay put so as not to expose yourself. Even being "behind the wheel" is putting you at risk. Though I did manage to develop an item that can hide your essence/presence as you just witnessed with Aether here since neither one of you even noticed she was in the room until she removed the item."

Aether smiled at her friends, "Hello Versa, Hello Bob. It's good to see you too in good health. I'm so happy to see fellow guardians. I was so worried after the attack. I'm assuming those portals were your doing, Versa?"

"Yes, though I'm ashamed to say I was in such a panic that I just opened them randomly so I have no idea where anyone went to or how to even retrace my portals," Versa responded sadly.

"That's ok Versa. You did have some of your power taken away so that probably affected your mind. It's honestly amazing you were even able to pull that many portals off at once let alone after some of your power was stolen. I'm sure everyone else is thankful and safe all because of your quick thinking." Aether smiled trying to comfort her fellow guardian. Of all the guardians, Versa was the closet with Bob and Aether.

"Thanks Aether. That makes me feel a lot better. I just wish I could find everyone. I've tried to use my power to locate everyone but it's been of no luck." Versa said as she stood up and embraced Aether in a hug.

"Well, you are in luck because I might have figured out a way to find more guardians. But I will need your assistance and Rena's as well." Sy interrupted their little reunion.

"Oh, what can Rena assist you with?" Versa asked as she sat back down, Aether sitting down on the other side of her.

"I can explain that later, but to put it short, you can't be at the wheel for too long or there can be serious consequences."

"Consequences?" Versa looked puzzled.

"Yes, but there is a lot of detail in that regard. I'll explain later. First things first take this. And put it on immediately." Sy hands Versa a bracelet.

"What is this?" Versa said placing the bracelet on her wrist.

Sy explains "The item I mentioned. Since you are in a humanoid body, your presence is masked slightly, but since she is of lesser power it can't mask you completely but this item can hide you completely, even when you are in control."

"How did you manage to create this?" Bob chimed in with curiosity. Technology always interested him.

"Let's just say I'm a very skilled engineer," Sy said with a wink and a smirk etched on her face.

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