MHA - Happy Birthday

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Once Rena made it back to the hotel she slowly made her way to the couch. She sat down and just stared blankly forward.

What have I gotten myself into? I know I suggested going undercover but not like this. It was meant to be on our terms.

Suddenly her phone began to ring, snapping her out of her thoughts. She pulled her device out of her pocket and looked at the caller ID: Sy.

She let out a sigh as she clicked the answer button, resting her forehead in her palm, her elbow resting on her thigh. Before she could even say hello Sy excitedly yelped through the phone.

"I have great news! We've got an in for the school." Sy said.

"Oh? That's great." Rena said a bit more unenthusiastic than she'd liked.

"You ok Mystic? You sound a little off." Sy asked concerned.

"Ah yeah, I'll tell you after. So tell me about the school. What do they know?"

"Ook. Well anyway. I told them that you are working undercover, looking for a villain who fled from the States to Japan, thought to be looking to join forces with the League of Villians. They understand that you working at the school is just a cover for why an American is working closely with some of the Pro-Heros since their school has ties with so many, it being a hero course school."

"Got it. So I'll be teaching English for how many classes?"

"Thankfully I negotiated it down to just the Hero classes so just 2 classes. They also permitted you to use their training facilities but after hours so as not to disturb the students. There is one slight catch though."

"What's the catch?"

"You'll need to stay on campus for the time being. You are free to come and go, but for keeping up appearances you'll need to live in the dorms with the other faculty members."

"Well, that doesn't seem so bad. At least this gives me something to do during the day. I've been getting a little restless."

"I know. I do apologize. I wanted this mission to go more smoothly than the last but it seems to be quite the opposite, even with the extra steps we took to be prepared."

"Well, that did help prepare me for the inhabitants of this world. I definitely would have been shell-shocked if it weren't for the heads up on that at least."

Sy chuckled "Fair point. Now.. wasn't there something you wanted to tell me?"

Rena let out a defeated sigh. "Ah right.. Wellllll... I was sort of jumped earlier... by a member of the league....specifically..Dabi.... "

awkward silence

"I'm sorry... WHAT?!" Sy yelped, her face turning red, not that Rena could see it at the moment.

"Dabi jumped me on my way back to the hotel earlier... he didn't hurt me or anything but he may have threatened-me-into-working-for-the-league." Rena mumbled the last part out of embarrassment.

"He. Did. WHAT?" Sy was definitely angry now.

"I know! I'm sorry! Look, I couldn't exactly refuse.. He probably would have killed me on the spot. I didn't know what else to do... Basically, he wants intel on Hawks and if it proves useful then he'll let me into the mansion and 'Join the League'" Rena air quoted while rolling her eyes.

It was Sy's turn to sound defeated. "Well, that's extremely unfortunate. But I guess it's a good thing Hawks is already a part of our mission. We should be able to just integrate that in somehow. He can feed you information to give to them that wouldn't compromise his position or yours. This might prove a little difficult with the addition to working undercover at the school, though."

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