MHA - The Wing Hero: Recruited

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"Hero boy? Ouch" Hawks held a hand to his chest with a playful offended look on his face.

"What don't like it? Consider it payback for calling me Kid." Rena smirked.

"Aw, then what do you want me to call you?" He smirked back.

"Mystic, obviously." Rena deadpanned.

"Got it, Mystie it is." He grinned.

"I take it back Sy, He can't be trusted. Let's abort the mission." Rena jokes leaning back in her chair.

"Calm it down Mystic. To be fair Lily did warn us about his demeanor, but she said he was our best bet." she sighed.

Hawks continued to grin. "Score one for Hawks."

Rena just glared at him. "Can we continue please?"

He dropped his smirk and cleared his throat. Leaning up with a more serious expression he began to tell them what the mission the hero commission had given him.

"So to make a long story short... I'm a double agent. I'm undercover in the League of Villains to discover their next move, but to earn their trust the League is using me for information on Heros' whereabouts and other confidential information." He explained.

"Hm... What's your ultimate goal then?" Rena asked once he was finished explaining everything.

"Right now? To stop the LOV and PLF from whatever they have planned. It can't be good with the amount of people they are recruiting." He gritted his teeth. "But my ultimate goal? I want to make a world where heroes have time to kill."

Rena looked towards Sy and they both nodded in agreement. "Well Hawkie, I think we can trust you with our mission. Ready to hear it?"

Hawks snapped up to look at Rena "Hawkie? Really?"

Rena let out a small chuckle. "Score one for Mystic" she grinned.

He relaxed a little leaning back into the couch. "Guess we are one for one then. So about this mission of yours."

Sy chimed in "To put our long story short, we believe a guardian was teleported here through Versa's powers. They likely were disoriented and lost. We are trying to find them before the mad guardian does. If he captures the higher guardians, he will become an unstoppable force. He could potentially end existence. In every world, dimension, and universe. We can't even begin to count the number of lives that would be lost."

Hawks couldn't believe what he was hearing. His eyes were wide and his face went pale "He'd really do that?"

"You saw the memories of the trial? He said he will create a new world. Only one world, everything else will be destroyed and only those he deems worthy will live under his rule."

Hawks swallowed the lump in his throat. "So, what makes you think the League has the guardian you are looking for?"

"Remember that van I was watching when you were so creepily watching me? Well someone got out of it with a briefcase filled with syringes of the guardians' essence. We don't know who it is yet but considering that we do have the Guardian of Realms, Elements, Cosmos, and Death accounted for that only leaves 3 other options: Life, Knowledge, and Time. Power is unfortunately at the mercy of O already. He's had him since the start." Rena said clenching her fists.

Hawks watched as Rena grew tense. He had a lot riding on his own mission but suddenly it felt so small compared to what this girl was going through. Why did she take this mission? Why did she get herself involved in such an inconceivable situation? This doesn't seem like something a human should be involved in. Just what was she thinking?

"So anyway, they must have a guardian locked up somewhere. There is no telling what they want with their essence or if they even know what it is capable of. We need to find them, and fast. We can't let O get ahold of anyone else. There's no telling if he will come himself or send one of his lakies like Ryker." Rena continued, finally unclenching her fists and looking up toward Hawks.

Hawks met her gaze "Well, you know what they say... I'm too fast for my own good." he grinned.

"Do they?" Rena smirked.

"Yes, they do. I'm the fastest hero in Japan." He continued to smirk proudly.

"And the cockiest" Rena whispered under her breath.

"What'd you say?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"Ehem, Nothing. Moving on." Rena said covering her mouth with her fist before moving it down to the palm of her other hand. "Can you get me into the League–"

"NO." "NO!" She was interrupted by Hawks and Sy.

"But why not?" she said in annoyance.

"It's way too dangerous." Hawks said sternly.

"I agree with Hawks, Mystic. I don't want you going in that deep."

"I can take care of myself. I'm not utterly defenseless. I have my magic." Rena said, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Magic?" Hawks asked curiously.

"Oh, right. Instead of a quirk I possess magic abilities. I can wield the basic elements. Air, water, earth, and fire. I'm working on Light and Dark as well." Rena said relaxing a little. "So I don't see why it's a problem." she huffed.

"Still, it's not that easy. For one, Dabi already saw you. And another thing, no offense, but you're obviously American. Wait.. Are you American?" He asked, remembering she was from another world.

"Yes, I'm American. My world has its own America and Japan. Funny enough I always wanted to visit my Japan but never got the chance but here I am in another world's Japan."

"Well, I can show you around sometime. I know all the best places." He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Anyway... Mystic we can talk about you going undercover, but right now the answer is no. Hawks, if it's not too much to ask, would you be able to investigate the location of the guardian alongside your other investigations?"

Hawks went serious again "Yes. I suppose I could do that. Seems the fate of existence depends on it."

"Perfect. Mystic, give Hawks that secondary device I sent you. We can use that to contact him. I'm heading out to do some more research on my end. I'll need to thank Lily for her recon. Turns out she was right about you Hawks."

"You should thank her with a date," Rena smirked.

"Ehem. It was strictly business. We were chatting in a professional manner!" Sy said slightly flustered.

"Uh-Huh suureeee. I saw how you were smiling at the phone. You totally have the hots for her. Just ask her out! Take her on a date as a thank you."

Sy just rolled her eyes"Bye Hawks. Bye Mystic." the hologram shut off.

Rena picked up the device and headed to the kitchen counter to where her bag was and grabbed another cell phone out of it. She walked back and handed it to Hawks.

"Here, our numbers are saved in there so you can text or call us if you find anything," she said as she sat back down on the chair.

"Sooo do I get a date as a thank you?" He said with a smirk.

"I don't do dates." she deadpanned.

"Oof. Rejected right off the bat. Do I sense some heartbreak?" He chucked.

Rena just stayed quiet as she moved her eyes out towards the window.

Her voice got soft as she replied. "I'd rather not talk about it."

Hawks got the hint and stood up. "Sorry. Didn't mean to stir anything up. Guess I've overstayed my welcome. I'm late for patrol anyway. Catch ya later then, Mystie" He said with a wink as he went out to the balcony.

"See ya, Hawkie," she said as he took off into the sky. This is going to be hard.

He reminds me of him. 

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