The Future

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Sy looks at Versa "I'm....not sure now is the right time to tell you. Besides, *she turns to Bob* I think you already know Mr. Death and I fear telling Versa would somehow round to Rena finding out if you understand."

Versa nods "I understand. As long as you mean no harm towards Rena then I'm ok not knowing until the time is right."

Sy smiles softly "Thank you, Versa."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I do know who you are but still.. I thought it would be quite the plot twist if you said it out loud." Bob chuckles.

"Yeah well, maybe you should tell us who you really are huh? I'm sure that would give us all the plot twist we need." Sy looks at Bob. Dead serious.

"I haven't the slightest clue as to what you are talking about. My name is Bob. The one the only Sir Bob Death."

An awkward silence fills the room before Sybil bursts into laughter. "Please tell me you're joking... Sir Bob Death?" she laughs harder, and tears start to form.

"Yes obviously. Just call me Bob. I don't like being called Death if I'm being honest. It's not like my goal in life was set out to become Death, it just sort of happened." He shrugged his shoulders. "Also I don't think it was that funny Miss Sy."

"Oh no.. that was hilarious but also understandable. So anyway would it be possible to talk to Rena now? There are a few things we'd like to chat with her about." Sy said after catching her breath.

"We?" Versa asked confused, once again.

Aether, who had been extremely quiet the entire time finally spoke up "Yes, I'd like to have a chat with Rena if that's alright. There's something I need to ask her. I'm thinking about lending her some of my essence so she can gain my abilities in the elements. I believe it would assist her in the future expeditions."

"WAIT, what expeditions." concern grew on her face.

"To locate the other guardians of course," Aether said like it was obvious.

"Oh.. right." Versa softened her face but still was a little tense at the thought of 'expeditions'. She didn't want to get Rena into a big mess that could result in her getting hurt. It may have been 2 years since they had bonded but she had grown to care for the girl.

Sy popped in "Unfortunately, this task is something only Rena can do because she is your host. But we are here to support her in this quest. That is why I have created items that can help assist her. Thanks to all that I learned from Aether I was able to create and test these items. I can at least provide her with these tools to help. Having a little magical powers will help in the event she comes across you know who."

"He's looking for the guardians too, isn't he? I thought maybe he would give up after we all disappeared." Versa said hopefully, looking down into her lap again. Fidgeting her thumbs around.

Bob deadpans "No. Unfortunately not and he desperately wants ALL of your power Ver. To be quite frank.. You're in the most danger... sorry" Bob said with an actual serious tone for once.

Versa turns towards Bob "How do you know that?"

"I was the last to leave. He didn't want any of my essence and said I get to keep my job especially since I'll be working overtime soon... whatever that means."

"That's terrifying.. just what is he planning" Versa started to pale.

"Honestly... who knows but whatever it is it needs to be stopped. We haven't any time to waste."

Sy sighs "Exactly. I've seen the future where he succeeds and it's not pretty. A Countless number of lives will be lost. Entire worlds..gone. Honestly, I'm surprised anyone even survived that catastrophe."

"You... you've seen the future?!" All three guardians gasped.

"I mentioned I have the gift of clairvoyance right? Meaning I can see into the future. While it's not always clear or correct at times, as the future is unpredictable, my visions always have some element of truth behind them. I would much rather not risk the idea my vision was wrong and take every precaution to stop him."

"I understand. I feel like this is my fault. I should have sent everyone to the same place. Then maybe we could have Veda's knowledge to come up with a plan." Versa frowned.

Aether rested her hand on Versa's shoulder "VERSA! This is in no way your fault! And I'm sure wherever Veda is she is already coming up with a plan on how to defeat him. Our job is to find her and save her along with everyone else."

Bob places his hand on Versa's other shoulder. "She's right you know. This isn't your fault. If anything you saved everyone from what could have been extremely devastating. Besides I want to personally find that A-hole and knock him down a peg... *under his breath* or take him to my office and dispose of him entirely."

Versa crosses her arms, placing her hands on the hands resting on her shoulders, and smiles. "Thank you, Bob. You've always been so kind to me. And you too Aether. I don't know what I'd do without you two."

Bob chuckles nervously "Oh I honestly treat everyone the same, haha, honestly I'm really a nice guy everyone is just so scared of me because I'm Death and apparently I look scary, haha."

"Yeah you're terrifying alright." Sy chimes in seriously.

"No need to be so blunt about it."

Sy points her finger up and down at Bob "You are literally dressed in all black, your face is hidden, and you carry around a large weapon. Who wouldn't be scared of that at first glance? Honestly, most people probably think you are a walking Skeleton underneath all of that."

"Alright alright I get it..." Bob raises his hand in defense.

"So ARE you just a skeleton under there?" Sy leans forward resting her chin on the back of her hands with her elbows on her desk.

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you." Bob winked.. probably.

"Uh-huh.. So about Rena.. I think it's about time we woke her up." Sy leans back, crosses her legs, and folds her arms over her chest.

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