MHA - An apology

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The following morning, Rena awoke to a knocking on her balcony window. She shuffled her way out of the bedroom to see Hawks standing at the door holding a bag of what she assumed to be food and a tray holding two coffees. She grudgingly made her way to the door and opened it glaring at the hero.

"It is way too early. What are you doing here?" She mumbled out after letting out a yawn.

"Well I wanted to apologize for yesterday and I know it's early, so I brought coffee. Wasn't sure how you like it so I just got it the same way I got mine." He gleamed.

Rena just looked up at him, then at the coffee, then back at him. She reached up and took one of the cups and mumbled a 'Thanks' as she turned around and plopped herself down into the chair in the living room. She took a sip of the coffee and her eyes went wide in delight. "Oh, this is sweet."

Hawks took that as an invitation to come inside. He walked in put the bag of food on the table and sat on the sofa, grabbing his cup of coffee. "What can I say? I like it sweet." he grinned, sipping his own.

"So what brings you here so early, besides apologizing, and for what exactly?" She looked at him puzzled.

"Ah well, for being a creeper, and for making things awkward right before I left yesterday." He said remembering her change in tone right before he left.

"It's fine. I'm over it anyway." She said, lying to the hero, and to herself. She wanted it to be true but she was still clinging on to a sliver of hope. "Anyway, are you going to visit the mansion today?"

"I've got some hero work to do this morning, but I plan to head over there this afternoon." He said as he took a sip of his coffee. "What are your plans for the day? Going to try and spy on them again? You might want to take lessons first." he smirked.

"Shut Up, and no I'm not. I'm waiting for Sy to get back to me on some things. We might try and get me into Endeavors agency as some cover to get information and so I can train my fire element."

Rena was starting to feel a little lost on this mission. they had taken extra steps to ensure she was prepared but she somehow felt less prepared than the last one. Sure she had no idea who she was looking but luck was on her side and she was able to quickly find Lucy. Then from there, it was easy. Just protect her. In doing so she had something to do every day and people to hang out with. Right now it had been 4 days since coming to the Hero world and she was feeling extra lonely. She just wanted something to do, to keep her mind from running to places it didn't want to be. Maybe she could go for a walk for a while to view the city.

She didn't realize she was lost in thought until a feather was waving in front of her face. She glanced up at it and then noticed Hawks leaning in front of her looking at her.

"You sure you're ok kid?" He asked, looking concerned.

She just looked back at him. "I told you not to call me kid." She said flatly, sipping her coffee. "And yeah I'm fine, just didn't sleep well last night."

Hawks sat back down "Alright if you say so." he glanced down at his phone and jumped up "Crap I'm going to be late." He rushed to the balcony and turned around to give Rena a salute. "See ya!" and he took off.

Rena just sighed. "At least I don't have to make breakfast and this coffee is pretty good. Makes me kinda miss my job," she said as she took another sip before spitting it out. "OMG MY JOB!"

Just as she was panicking over the thought of her job her phone rang, it was Sy. Rena quickly picked it up and before even saying hello she started in on Sy.

"SY WHAT ABOUT MY JOB!" She yelped.

"Well hello to you too," Sy said sarcastically before letting out a sigh. "You're asking about that now? Did you forget about the time dilation?"

Rena was now mentally kicking herself. That was one of the main things Sy went over during her "training" on navigating traveling between worlds. "Right, sorry. Just suddenly had the thought. How long have I been away anyway?"

"You haven't even been gone a full day yet. We're probably reaching around the 6-hour mark for your world." Sy explained.

This put Rena's mind at ease but she was a bit surprised at the revelation. With the 2 months she spent in Sy's world, two weeks in the world of Fairy Tail, and now 4 days into this world, adding the two days in between she had been away for almost 3 months. It felt so surreal that the 3 months she had been gone was only around 6 hours back home. She breathed a sigh of relief.

"OK, perfect. I had the next two days off so I guess I shouldn't worry too much. OH WHAT ABOUT NEKO?!" Rena started to panic again.


"My kitty!" Rena said, slightly tearing up.

Sy let out another sigh. "Want me to send someone to check on her?"

"Yes, please. That would be wonderful. I don't want her to think I've abandoned her."

"Got it. I'll see if Lily can do it. Now, back to the reason I called you. We've got a few options for you. Option one, we get you into Endeavor's agency as a potential sidekick or something similar. Option two, I noticed the League has had a recurring target with a High school class. Seems slightly odd, but I noticed this school has an opening for an English teacher. So, the option there is to have you work at the school to see if you can gather information on the League from them."

Why would villains be targeting a school? Seems odd. Rena was pondering the reasoning, thinking randomly to the high school teen who had helped her out in the convenience store.

"I've reached out to both the school and to the agency. We can play it by ear to see which option would give us the best results. For now, just hold out a little longer. Maybe Hawks can get us some intel soon and we won't need to deal with either option. I'm getting a weird feeling about this mission and would like to get you out of there as soon as possible." Sy continued a wave of uncertainty in her voice.

"Understood. I'll try to keep myself busy while we wait." Rena sighed.

"I approve of you sightseeing, just keep yourself out of trouble. I'll talk to you soon." She said, slightly hurriedly as she ended the call.

"Well goodbye then," Rena said as she put the phone down. She leaned against the sofa and stared at the ceiling for a bit. Deciding that it was getting a bit too stuffy in the room she got up to go change into some street clothes to go out for a walk. I'll take her up on the sightseeing offer. I need some fresh air. A smile began to form on her face as she thought about exploring the city she had always wanted to visit. Little did she know what waited for her beyond the walls of her room.

A crazed villain with teal eyes, a mad scientist with nothing to lose, and a dangerous proposition.

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