Large Coffee.. with a splash of Death

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Rena had just walked into the backroom of her job. She reaches for her apron, letting out a sigh, as she places it on her. She had moved to a new city and was planning on starting college once she had saved up some money. She needed a fresh start. Her childhood friend never showed up like they said they would. Instead, she was met with someone unusual and was the beginning of an interesting relationship. She wasn't sure where this 'partnership/possession' would go or how long it would last, but at this point, she was up for anything that would keep her from feeling alone.

Man.. I don't think I'll ever get used to waking up for work this early.

Rena walks out into a bustling coffee shop. She strolls up to the register and begins her morning routine, taking customer's orders, smiling that customer service smile, and just trying to make it through the day.

Versa has been pretty quiet lately. She had rested for a few months while I finished up my summer activities and then moved down here. She tried to use her powers to locate the other guardians but didn't have any luck so she's resting up again. It's kinda odd but I miss her. It's almost like having a personal best friend but like... she's in my head. I don't know if it's odd but I'm used to it now.

The next customer had stepped up to the register. Rena went into auto mode and spoke to the customer but was not quite looking up just yet. "Good Morning! Welcome to Obsidian Brew! Would you like to try our darkest of dark brews today?"

Customer "Yes, please. I'll take an extra large. And can you add a shot of espresso in there?"

"Of course! Would you like anything else?"

"Ah and can you add a splash of Death in there?"

"And a splash of..*slowly registering what she heard, or thought she heard*..what?"

Rena finally looks up at the customer confused "I'm sorry what was that las....t... pa..rt." Rena's face turns slightly pale "Um.. Is it Halloween? Or is there a Comicon going on?"

"Um no, is something wrong? Is there something on my face?" the customer said reaching up to their face, patting it to make sure there wasn't anything on it.

"You're wearing a costume? Is this a prank? I'm being pranked right.. Right totally pranked" Rena let out a nervous chuckle.

"Um no, I'm not. I'm just trying to order my coffee." the customer sweatdropped.

Rena's Manager "Rena are you ok? You look like you've just seen Death itself. (whispers) Did you stay up too late playing video games again?"


" I have a minute.. I think I'm seeing things. Must not have had enough coffee yet."

"Sure, just take your lunch. You can come back when you are feeling better. We're pretty slow today anyway."


Rena walks to the back room but looks over her shoulder one last time. It's still there..the grim fucking reaper. Yea, I definitely didn't get enough sleep last night. That's the last time I work a double shift.

"V... are you awake? I think something weird is going on."


Rena sighs "Figures. I'm gonna sneak out the back door and go hide in my car. Maybe I didn't get enough sleep. I might try and take a mini nap."

Rena grabs her extra large iced coffee and walks out the back door. Looking up to her car she sees Death, sitting on the hood of her car.

"OH. My. God. Is this it? Am I about to die? AM I ALREADY DEAD?!? I KNEW THIS PLACE WOULD KILL ME." she shouted, gaining concerning looks from people passing by.

Death aka Bob - "Please calm down. I'm not here for you. Well, I am but also not for the reason you would think. Well someone IS going to die today but they are currently in the Chinese restaurant next door, hopefully enjoying their last meal."

"Oh. Ok thank Go..Wait. What? WHAT?" her eyes were the size of saucers.

"Yeah I don't recommend eating there. However, they will be shut down most likely after today. Probably for the best. This wouldn't be the first person I've picked up from there"

"Um.. ok I'm still confused. If I'm not dying then why are you trying to give me a heart attack??!!"

"Oh um.. Guess I should get to the point.. Would you like to have a seat?" Bob gestured his hand to the front of Rena's car.

"Um.. sure I guess. Can I even say no to Death?" she said, gaining a strained chuckle from Bob.

Rena and Bob sit down on the curb in front of her car. She takes a long sip from her coffee. A very long awkward silence ensues.

Rena clears her throat "Ok so just to clarify you ARE Death right? I mean you have the scythe, black robe, and creepy aura."

"Well yes I am THEE DEATH, but you can just call me Bob."

"Ok. Strange name for Death.. oh...OH WAIT! Are you THAT death?! I mean Bob?"

"So...then I am correct in assuming you know Versa."

Rena nervously chuckles "Um.. no? Versa? Who's that?" She takes an awkward sip of her iced coffee.

Bob laughed "It's ok, because if you do then you know that I'm not one to be worried about right?"

"Ah, good point. Then yes. Versa and I are.. Connected? Wait, what even is the term for what happened?"

"You can just go with synthesized or bonded.. Sounds better than possessed. So speaking of Versa. Is she awake? I need to talk to her. It's extremely important."

"No, she's been asleep for a few weeks now."

"Hmm.. well guess there's not much I can do then. Guess I'll just have to wait till she wakes up. So you can't leave this place any time soon, got it?"

"I mean I wasn't planning on it so yeah, you don't need to worry. But can't you just tell me?"

"I could but then I risk you forgetting important details."

"Write a letter?"

"It wouldn't work. I can't write on paper from this world unless I synthesize with a Human from this world and well...I'm already... I'm special so I can't do that... anymore. It's too dangerous."

"Hm? You know.. I can't see your face but I get the feeling you are suddenly feeling sad. Like you just remembered a sad memory."

"Yea. You could say that. I'd rather not talk about it, to be honest."

"You sure? You seem sad?"

"Ha yeah, except I don't have feelings anymore. I had those removed."

"What? Why?"

"It's a long story."

"I'm all ears. And besides I could use something to ease the tension I have at the moment from meeting Death face to..face?"

Bob sighs "OK. So.. I was in love once."

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