FT - Ryker

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Everyone was in shock at feeling Mystic's true magical power. It was nothing they had felt before. Even Ryker flinched at the woman in front of him.

"My worst nightmare? Not even close, but I suppose I'll let you entertain me for a while." He grinned, trying to hide his nervousness.

"You say that now, but I'm sure that will change. So may I ask the name of the man who will lose here today?" Mystic taunted back, as she reached for her magic baton. It was a device Sy created that would change into a staff with a press of a button. Once activated, it allows Mystic to channel her magic abilities more efficiently and it changes her appearance to reflect the element she is channeling at that moment.

Mystic pushes the button and activates her water magic. She felt the elements flowing through her veins, giving her strength and confidence. The baton grows into a long staff with spheres of water on each end. Water begins to swirl around her. Mystic's appearance changes to reflect her water element. Her hair grows and turns into a soft blue. Her clothes change into a corset-style dress that is blue and white. Her skirt was short and flared, showing her black stockings and blue boots.

The man chuckled, and said, "My name is Ryker, and I'm here to take Lucy Heartfilia. She has something my master needs, and I won't take no for an answer. You can either step aside or face the consequences."

Mystic glared at him, and said, "You're not taking Lucy anywhere. She's my friend and a member of Fairy Tail. We protect our own, and we don't back down from a fight. You'll have to go through me first."

Ryker shrugged, and said, "Very well. If that's what you want, I'll be happy to oblige. But don't say I didn't warn you."

He snapped his fingers and suddenly changed his form. He became a giant snake, and slithered towards Mystic, hoping to catch her off guard.

"Transformation magic?" Mystic whispered though Ryker heard her.

"No this is shapeshifting magic, though I guess in this world it's called transformation magic." He hissed as he lunged towards her.

Mystic dodged his attack and quickly formed a ball of water in her hand. She threw it at Ryker, hitting him in the head. The water knocked him back, and he hissed in pain. He shook his head and changed his form again. This time, he became a lion, and roared at Mystic, showing his sharp teeth and claws.

Mystic was not intimidated and formed a whip of water in her hand. She lashed it at Ryker, aiming for his legs. The water cut through his fur and made him bleed. He growled in pain, and jumped at Mystic, trying to bite her.

Mystic blocked his attack and pushed him away. She formed a blade of water in her hand and stabbed it at Ryker's chest. Ryker saw the blade coming and tried to use his mind control on Mystic. He stared into her eyes, and whispered, "Stop. Drop the blade."

Mystic felt a slight pressure in her head, but she resisted. She had a strong will, and she was not easily swayed. She ignored Ryker's words and continued her attack. Ryker realized his mind control had failed, and he rolled to the side, barely avoiding the blade. He got up and changed his form again. This time, he became a dragon and flew into the air. He breathed a blast of fire at Mystic, hoping to burn her.

Mystic dodged his attack and formed a shield of water around her. The water protected her from the fire and also gave her an idea. She shot another ball of water that rivaled his attack and pushed the fire back at Ryker. The fire hit his scales and made him scream. He flapped his wings and tried to escape, but Mystic was faster. She used her water magic to create a large sphere and threw it at Ryker. The water wrapped around his dragon form, trapping him inside the ball, and brought him down. He crashed to the ground and reverted to his human form.

Mystic ran towards him and prepared to deliver the final blow. She formed a sharp spear of water in her hand and lunged it at Ryker. Ryker saw the spear coming and knew he had no chance. He had underestimated Mystic, and he had paid the price. He knew he had to retreat.

Before the spear was close he spat out his final words "You'll pay for this mystic. Master won't be happy."

He snapped his fingers and changed his form one last time. He became a mouse, and scurried away, leaving Mystic behind.

Mystic watched him go and breathed a sigh of relief. She had won the battle, and she had saved Lucy. She had proven herself, and she had protected her guild. She pressed the button on her staff and it returned to normal along with her appearance. She returned her bracelet to her wrist and put her cloak back on, masking her powers once again.

She smiled and looked at Lucy. Lucy ran over to Mystic and hugged her, and thanked her. She said, "You were amazing, Mystic. You saved me just like you said you would."

Mystic smiled and hugged Lucy back. "Of course Lucy. You're my friend. I couldn't let him take you away. Something tells me he won't be back either."

Natsu runs up and swings his arm around Mystic's shoulder.

"Wow, Mystic! That was awesome! I didn't know you were that strong!" He said with a huge grin on his face. "Want to fight me?"

Ezra walks up smiling "Yes Mystic, that was quite impressive."

Makorav speaks up "Thank you for saving my children, Mystic. Do you think that he will come back and try again?"

"No, I don't think he will. He wasn't expecting me so likely he will return to Odysseus and relay the news that they can't reach Lucy." Mystic replies.

"Odysseus?" Ezra asked, concerned with the familiarity behind Mystic's words.

"Oh... um.." Mystic wasn't sure if she should inform the guild of the whole story now. Her thoughts were interrupted by her cell phone ringing.

Mystic cleared her throat "Excuse me just a moment..."


Sy "Mystic! The presence is no longer there. Did something happen? The sensors also detect you removed your cloaking devices. Are you alright?!"

"Oh yes, um actually the person we were worried about was at the guild when I arrived today. We engaged in a short battle but everything is ok. He didn't manage to take Lucy."

"Oh, that's good to hear. I'll need a full report when you get back. I recommend saying your goodbyes and coming back to the base."

"Right," Mystic's face turns down a little, saddened by the fact she will need to leave now. She'll need to say goodbye to her friends who have become like a family to her.


"Unless what?"

"Why don't you see if they will send a few of their members to represent their world? I've been thinking, maybe we should expand our team. If we inform them of the bigger picture, they can keep an eye out within their world in case anything happens later."

Mystic's eyes light up at the thought of her friends being able to come with her.

"I supposed I could speak with the master and see what he thinks."

"Sounds good. I'll give you an hour then it will be time to come back."

"Understood. I'll see you soon." *Click*

Mystic smiles softly. Maybe this isn't goodbye forever.

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