BC - Let's Party!

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"There, now it's just us. Can you tell me about your amazing magic?!" the Wizard King kid said with stars in his eyes.

"Um well...I can use all elements. Fire, Air, Water, Earth, Light, and Dark. I can combine these elements to create even stronger ones. And no I don't use a grimoire to enhance my magic, I use a staff. I changed my staff into a book to try and blend in." She explained.

"And why would you need to 'blend in'?" He asked.

"Because I was trying to get into the Black Bulls squad." She answered.

"Heh, I like you Kid." the muscular man named Yami chuckled.

"Why do you want to get into the Black Bulls? I'm guessing you are not actually from this Kingdom, but something tells me you aren't from the neighboring kingdoms either. Are you perhaps from overseas?" the King Kid asked.

"I supposed that would be the easiest way to explain it. As for why I want into the Black Bulls, I'm looking for clues to a strange message I received."

"So you are on a treasure hunt?!" He said excitedly. Ok this kid is super weird. How is he the Wizard King?

"I'm not sure exactly to be honest. It was a coded message that led me here. It basically said 'Clover Kingdom, Magic Knights, Black Bulls, and Sword.' most was self explanatory except the sword." She explained.

Yami and the kid looked at each other with a curious look in their eyes. Yeah.. They know something about the sword.

"Hm, well your story seems a little far fetched. Would you mind if Marx came back in here and looked at your memories?" he asked.

"He can do that?!" Rena said cautiously.

"Yes, is that a problem?" The king asked, raising a brow.

"Well, not exactly. It would be easier to explain my situation, however there are things that are a bit.. Personal...me being a woman and all. You know?" She said slightly blushing.

Truthfully, she just didn't want them digging through her memories. They only needed the most recent information so if she could keep as much secret as she could that would be for the best.

The king called the man known as Marx back in the room. He used his magic on Rena and as he was examining her most recent memories everyone was in shock.

"You-You're from a different world?!" They all three said at once, Marx looked terrified, the king had stars in his eyes again, and Yami was shocked.

"Um. Yes. to put it frankly." She said, darting her eyes between everyone.

"Wooww" The king said, lost in thought with a, again, creepy smile, on his face.

"So you don't know why but you think you need to look for this sword before this other guy does? And you are to believe it has something to do with my squad?" Yami questioned, the cigarette in his mouth bouncing with every word.

"Correct. I do apologize for taking such a rounded measure but we weren't sure of another way." She said bowing. She wasn't sure why she was bowing but that's what people in movies do to royalty right?

"Oh please, there's no need to bow." the king kid said, standing up. "Now then, I don't believe we ever caught your name, Miss 176."

"Oh! Um. You can call me Mystic." she said with a soft smile.

"Well then Mystic. I will allow you to conduct your treasure hunt with the Black Bulls. Yami, is that alright?"

"Sure! Sounds like fun! HAHA! The kids will be excited to have a new member joining the squad!" he said, swinging his arm around Rena's shoulders. "Come on Kid, Let's get going."

The Wizard King waved the two off. As they stepped through the doors they were met with two young men wearing the Black Bulls capes. A tall man wearing a hat with dark circles around his eyes and his mouth. Another has brown hair with dusted green tips swooped to the side.

"Captain Yami! What took so long?"

"Ah, we were having a meeting with Julius." Yami said nonchalantly.

"Who is this beautiful la—NO I made a promise. I will be strong for Lady Finnes!" The brunette boy said dramatically.

"This is Mystic, She's joining the squad. Now where are the other two idiots? It's time to head back to the hideout."

They head out to the streets and eventually run into two kids, one Rena recognized as the boy being chased down by birds. Rena was standing behind Yami when they walked up to them.

"So, do you rookies feel like you got back to your roots or whatever?"

The boy with the gray hair has stars in his eyes "Yeah, it was awesome, Thank you!"

The girl beside him just had a soft smile and simply replied "Yes"

"Alright," Yami said.

"I'm more motivated now as well. I swear, I'll strengthen my magic, and fortify my bonds with friends!" The tall pale guy with weird markings on his face said excitedly.

"Same here. I'll give it my all and help to make the Black Bulls the greatest team ever! Also, I'll break my curse and prove I'm worthy of Lady Finnes' hand!" The other boy said.

Rena let out a small chuckle. They are quite the characters.

"Let's do our best guys!" The short kid cheered. "By the way, Captain, did we recruit any new people?"

"Am I taking on a protege?" The girl said, a little prideful.

"There was one I kinda liked.." Yami started.

"YEAH?" They both said bright eyed.

"But then another squad snapped 'em up." He groaned.

They both groaned and Yami leaned in with an evil smirk. "Which means you two have to stay at the bottom for at least another whole year."

"Uh Captain?" The flirty brunette squeaked.

"Yeah? What is it?" Yami grumbled back.

"What about her? Didn't you say she was joining the squad?" He said pointing at Rena.

"Oh! Right. I almost forgot. We do have a new squad member. But, based on her mana levels she's ranked higher than you rookies." Yami said with a smirk.

"Ah! You! I saw you in the exam! You were awesome!" The short kid said excitedly.

"Um. I wasn't all that impressive I don't think." Rena said awkwardly.

"Come on, let's go. We can chat about it later" Yami said.

The brunette boy activated his magic and a silver portal opened up and the group stepped through. Once they were on the other side they were in front of a strange looking house, or castle? Rena couldn't really tell.

"All right! Y'ready?" Yami said, turning around.

"For more training?! HECK YEAH!" The short boy cheered.

"Are you crazy? No. We're partyin' tonight.

"Partying?" The two kids questioned.

"Yeah, its the one year anniversary of you two joining the squad!" The brunette said.

"There's a lot going on right now, but we wanted to do something for you at least." The pale one added.

"Magna and the others should be back soon, too." Yami finished.

"Thank you guys!" The short one said with stars in his eyes again.

"I guess I'll let you celebrate me, if you want to." The girl said with a smile and a flip of her pigtail.

"Ok just for tonight let's forget about fighting and really let loose!"

"Yes, sir!"

The group headed inside but Rena paused for a moment. A Party? Was it really ok for her to party like this? She was on a mission, she shouldn't 'let loose'.

"Hey Kid, you coming or what?" Yami said in the doorway, breaking Rena out of her trance.

"Right. I'm excited to meet everyone." She said with a smile.

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