FT - Alkawn

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Before Natsu could hear the answer, Loke popped back with the guest of the evening, Alkawn. There was a moment of awkward silence while everyone looked at the two who just appeared in the room. Alkawn looked around the room and the moment he saw Bob he let out a girlie squeal and ran over and jumped on Death wrapping him in a hug.

"BBBOOOOOBBBBBB! I'm so happy to see you!!! I was so worried!!!" The guardian of cosmos was crying as he hung onto Bob like a sloth hanging on a tree.

"Ehem" Bob cleared his throat, not returning the hug.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, how rude of me!" He jumps off Bob and turns back to the others. "Hello everyone! I'm Alkawn, Guardian of Cosmos." He says with an overly cheerful smile.

Sy stands up, "Hello Alkawn, I'm Sy. Welcome to Ureka. I take it you had no problems with the device I gave you. Did Loke explain its purpose?"

"Yes! Thank you! How did you manage to create this device? I'm so glad to be able to move freely now! As much as I love the celestial world I hate being stuck in one place for too long." Alkawn said, holding up his wrist and looking at the device.

"I'm a very skilled engineer, but I did have help from a fellow guardian of yours. She's been helping me create and test my devices." Sy explained.

"A fellow guardian!? You've found more? Who else is here?" He chirped jumping up and down excitedly.

"Well, actually there are two others here. Mystic here is bonded with Versa and Aether is bonded with one of my androids." Sy said, pointing towards Mystic who gave a shy wave.

"Oh my gosh! That's such great news! I was so worried when we all got split up. I was sure I'd never make it back." He started to tear up.

Bob walks up and places his hand on his shoulder. "We wouldn't leave you stranded. It's taken longer than we wanted to start finding everyone but we are managing. We'll find everyone, so no need to worry."

"Well, If I'm no longer needed I'm going to head out. Bye, Lucy, Miss Mystic~" Loke interrupted but was immediately tackled and hugged by Alkawn.

"Thank you Leeeoo~!" Alkawn said as he cried into Loke's shoulder.

"Yup. Sure thing. Take care now." He said giving the others the look of 'please help me'.

Bob just grabbed Alkawn by the collar of his cloak and lifted him in the air, allowing Loke to wave before he disappeared.

Alkawn looked at the group that was behind Loke and smiled. "Oh, you must be Leo's guild mates! Hello!" He said smiling, still being held in the air by Bob. He looks at Lucy, "Oh and you must be the wonderful Lucy!"

He wiggled out of Bob's grasp as he ran up and grabbed Lucy's hands together shaking them, with an over-exaggerated smile.

"Um yes, That's me," Lucy said nervously.

"Leo has told me so much about you. Thank you for saving him." He said softening his grip and his smile.

"Oh um sure. It was the right thing to do. I couldn't just let him disappear like that." She said awkwardly.

"Still though, sticking up for him and against the celestial king was quite impressive. Especially for a human, so thank you." He said finally letting go of Lucy, and turning his attention to Mystic.

"And you! You are bonded with Versa? That's wonderful! I can feel you have a good soul! Thank you for helping her out. I know this isn't a mess that humans should be dragged into but thank you." He said grabbing Mystics hands and shaking them vigorously.

"Um thank you I guess. It's not a big deal. I'm happy to help." She replied shyly.

Suddenly a phone rang, breaking the awkward complements the overly excited Alkawn was giving everyone. Bob reached into his cloak and pulled out a cell phone.

"Wait.. you have a cell phone?" Mystic asked Bob.

"Well yea, how else are my reapers going to contact me? I do have a job to do you know. Why? You want my number~?" He said, likely smirking.

"No," Mystic said flatly.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Cause knowing you... you'd send me stupid shit...at 3 am" She groaned.

"Look that was one time! And I brought you pizza!" He yelped defending himself.

"It was still 3 am." She bounced back.

"I said I was sorry! Anyway, I've got some work to do so I'll be catching you later." Bob said as he opened a portal and stepped through.

"How is that the Guardian of Death? He's so...dorky.." Mystic mumbled under her breath.

"He used to not be like that," Alkawn said softly. "He used to not speak unless spoken to, and even then his replies were short and stoic. When he....bonded with a human he changed, a lot but then the incident happened and he was stripped of his emotions. He kept the bubbly personality but if you listen closely, the undertones are empty. He may talk all dorky and fun but he can't feel it. He doesn't know and honestly, it's worse than when he didn't talk at all. He may not have feelings or emotions anymore but I get the sense he can still feel hurt. He's still hurting and he chooses to put up that facade to fool himself."

"He had mentioned something about that when we first met. I didn't think it'd be that bad though." Mystic said with a somber look, remembering when Death had told her his story.

"He told you?!" Alkawn yelped "He hasn't talked about that in forever. I'm surprised."

"He doesn't talk about it?"

"It's not exactly an easy subject to talk about," Alkawn said looking down.

"I suppose you're right. So moving on from that topic then. Sy, what should we do from here?"

"Well, I might have a new lead on another Guardian's location. Are you up for another mission?" Sy said looking at her computer.

"So soon?!" Mystic replied.

"We don't exactly have the luxury of time on our hands," Sy said looking up. "I'll brief Fairy Tail on some information and give them one of the cells so we can contact them. Unfortunately, they can not travel with you to another world but they can keep an eye out in theirs for any unusual activity."

Mystic sighed. "Well, I guess I'm ready then." She turned to her Fairy Tail friends, tears forming in her eyes. "I know this isn't goodbye but...I'm going to miss you guys. Thank you for giving me a family and a place to call home." she smiled.

Lucy stepped forward, embracing her in a hug. "You are always welcome at the guild. You are a part of our family. We will miss you too but this isn't goodbye forever, just goodbye for now." The other stepped forward to join in the hug.

As they stepped back, Lucy smiled at Mystic. "Now go and save the guardians."

~End of Fairy Tail Arc~

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