MHA - Heroes or Villains

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"Damn must be some heavy stuff." Hawks chuckled.

"You could say it's out of this world." Sy chuckled back.

"Well then Kid," he looked down to the still mildly panicking Rena, "where are you staying? I can give you a lift home then we can talk there." It's less likely anything will be bugged there. Hawks thought to himself.

"She's staying at the X Hotel," Sy replied for Rena.

"Sweet. I know where that's at, what floor? I'll meet you on the balcony. Probably not the best idea for me to walk in the front door with you." He smirked.

Hawks flew to where Rena was staying and set her down in front of the building. He took off to the sky to fly up to her room. Rena just stood there for a moment gathering herself back into her own body from flying several miles, above the clouds, with nothing but a pair of arms between her and the ground.

Once she composed herself she went up to her room and went inside. Of course, Hawks was already waiting on the balcony. He gave Rena an awkward wave and smile as she walked over to let him in.

Hawks walked in and looked around as he made his way to the sofa. He plopped down and made himself at home. Rena walked up to him holding out her hand, he looked at it and then up at her.

"The earpiece." She said with a glare.

Hawks chuckled as he removed the earpiece and handed it back to Rena. "You're kinda scary kid. Say I never caught your name?"

"It's Mystic." She replied as she put the earpiece away and then called Sy again on her phone.

"Jeez Kid, are you still mad at me for the whole flying thing? Didn't realize you were scared of heights." He said jokingly.

"I'm not scared of heights. I just wasn't expecting you to pick me up and fly me several miles, with only your arms between me and a god knows how far of a drop." Rena scoffed.

"I wouldn't have let you fall. You were totally safe." He replied with a cocky grin.

"I'd still prefer a warning next time," Rena said as she moved to sit on the chair across from the sofa, placing the phone down on the coffee table.

"Oh, there's a next time?" He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

Rena just sighed "Moving on... Sy would you care to do the explaining?"

"Sure. Can you hit the hologram button on your device?" Sy said, and Rena moved to hit the button on the phone. Sy was then displayed as a small hologram coming out of the phone.

"Whoa that's some pretty fancy tech you got there," Hawks said with a sparkle in his eye, leaning forward and resting his arms on his knees.

"Thanks. I created it myself. Now down to business. I'm going to get straight to the point. Sir Hawks, what do you think about parallel worlds?"

"Parallel worlds?" He said with a puzzled look glancing up at Rena who just had a serious look on her face.

"Yes, parallel worlds," Sy said, waiting for his answer.

"Are you asking me if I believe they exist?" He said looking back at the Sy hologram.

"Yes. I'm asking because Mystic and myself are from worlds parallel to yours." She said simply.

"What?" He replied with an unbelievable expression, glancing between Rena and Sy. "This is a joke, right? You can't possibly expect me to believe that."

"It's the truth, whether you want to believe it or not," Rena said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Ok. Say it is true, then what are you doing here? And why would you be spying on the League?" He said with a scowl on his face.

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