FT - A new world

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~Start of Fairy Tail Arc~

It was a beautifully peaceful day and Rena was basking in the sun's rays. She was lying on the ground in the middle of a field in a new world. She had spent 2 months training with Aether on using the elements. So far she had mastered one of the basic elements.

"Now, most people think that there are only 4 basic elements Earth, Air, Water, and Fire, but there are 2 more elements that fall into the basic category: Light and Dark. Once all the basic elements are mastered, they can be combined to create stronger versions of themselves. Since you were born into a world without magic, you likely will only be able to master one element at a time during your early stages." Aether explained.

Aether was right and so far the only element Rena was able to use was water. She wasn't too surprised since she had always been a good swimmer. Living next to a lake might have helped with that. Rena was okay with this though, after all, magic was still very new to her. She had always thought it was only fiction, something you'd see in fantasy books. It was thrilling. She could feel her whole body shiver when she'd activate her powers and use her magic.

She was a fast learner, mastering the element of water in two months. Luckily, the time dilation in Sy's world was much faster than in her world. 2 months was only about 4 hours in her world. Since she learned so fast, they decided to start her first mission much sooner. Since it was in a world overflowing with magic, it might be a good training ground. In this world 1 day is equal to 1 hour in Sy's world so again, the time dilation was much in Rena's favor.

Well, I should probably start heading into town. I'm supposed to find the magic guild of this city and meet with their master. Sy told me that O (Rena has a thing for calling people by the first letter of their names) will likely be targeting a girl who is in this guild. She had the ability to summon beings from the celestial world and O believes he will find one of the guardians there.

Rena was broken out of her lazy daze when she heard voices walking along the path beside the meadow.

"NATSU! I can't believe you took us on that ridiculous job. That was so embarrassing!" A young woman with blonde hair was yelling, arms crossing over her chest.

"Oh come on Lucy! We still got paid so you'll have enough for rent AND me and happy to have some for food! I can't wait to dig in once we get back to the guild hall." A boy with pink spikey hair said with a grin across his face, hand resting on the back of his head.

"Aye sir!" a blue cat with wings said cheerfully flying behind the two.

The boy with pink hair suddenly started sniffing the air as he moved his hands off his head.

"Natsu, I know you're hungry but there's no way you can smell the food from here." the woman said.

"No." sniff sniff "I'm smelling something but it's not food."

Rena was still lying on the ground with her eyes closed. She was listening to the conversation but she wasn't quite paying attention. Suddenly, the sun's rays were gone, blocked by the shadow of a man. She opened one eye to peek at who was blocking her warmth.

"May I help you?" She questioned looking up with one eye.

"You smell.... Strange." the man said sniffing the air once more.

"Natsu! You can't just tell people they smell strange!" the blonde smacked the pink-haired boy on the back of his head.


"Sorry about him. He's never really had good manners. I'm Lucy by the way, and this is Natsu and Happy. Are you doing alright?" Lucy asked Rena reaching out her hand to help her up.

Rena opened her other eye, reached up to accept Lucy's hand, and stood up. "Yes, I'm alright. Was just taking a nap. My name is R-Er-Mystic" She said as she stood up, remembering what Sy told her before the start of her mission.

Sy "You must not tell anyone your name. You will need to go by a code name. We can't risk vital information such as your identity getting around to you know who..."

Rena adjusted herself making sure her cloak was covering her back. Sy had created a cloak that masked Rena's magical power. Since Rena was bonded with a guardian, her magical power was off the charts. Having the cloak made her less noticeable, especially in this world. Sy had also made an additional bracelet like the one that masked Versa's presence to mask Rena's magical power. The bracelet wasn't as strong but it was a safety net for when Rena needed to remove the cloak.

"Say you wouldn't happen to know the way to the magic guild in town. I have some business there." Rena asked the group.

They all looked at each other before turning back towards Rena "Of course! That's where we are headed now. We're actually wizards from that guild, the Fairy Tail guild. We can take you there!" Natsu said joyfully.

"What kind of business do you have there?" the blue cat chirped. Rena looked a little shocked as this was the first time she had seen a talking cat, let alone a flying one. Wait is it even a cat? It's so..cute.

"Um..." Rena was a little distracted by the talking cat.

"Are you ok Mystic?" Lucy questioned with a concerned smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine sorry. I've just... never seen a talking cat before." Rena gave a reassuring smile.

"I'm an Exceed!" Happy replies "Would you like a fish?" he says as he pulls out a raw fish from his little green backpack.

"No, I'm good, thanks though." Rena puts up her hand shaking her head. This was her first new world so she was just going to have to get used to seeing new things.

"Well let's get going to the guild! I'm starving!" Natsu said holding his stomach with one hand.

The group continued walking towards the town. Natsu and Lucy are in the lead with Rena close behind. Rena looked around at the scenery as they walked along. She had been in this world for only a day so she had not had much time to look around. She had spawned in a small village outside of the town she was looking for, Magnolia. After asking a few of the locals for help she had gotten ahold of a map and some supplies and began to make her way to where she needed to go.

Along the way, she had come across an open field. Feeling the warm sun on her face, and birds chirping overhead, Rena was feeling at ease. Even though she was in a new world, surrounded by new things, coming across this scenery put her mind in a state of bliss. Tired from walking she decided to step off the road and lay in the soft grass to take a short break. Shutting her eyes she was soaking up the peacefulness around her. She thought back to where she was a few months ago. Lonely and heartbroken. Now she had a personal best friend, in her mind, and she was doing something she always wanted to do, travel. She may have signed on for a dangerous future but at the moment she didn't care. She was traveling and in a different world, nonetheless.

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