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Versa looks at the bracelet Sy had given her. At least it's kind of cute. Rena will probably love it.

"Well, I'm sure even if you explained it to me it would go over my head. I'm not very fluent in techy stuff." Versa says to Sy putting her hands back down in her lap.

"That's alright, you just need to know that as long as you have it on your wrist it will hide your presence. Once it comes off you won't be hidden anymore, well not as well and when you have it on. Now then, for my next trick" Sy hands Versa a device that looks like a smartphone.

"This device will let you contact me in any realm or world you visit. It can also serve as a sort of tracking device for guardians whose presence is not hidden, which I'm assuming the other guardians are not capable of fully hiding their presence right now. There is also a translator app that will allow the translation of almost any and every language. It works both ways. Push it and you will understand everyone and they will understand you. Lastly, I want you two to wear these at all times" She hands Versa a case containing glasses and contacts.

"These are specially designed to relay video and audio feedback to my computer so to put it simply if you wear these I will be able to see and hear everything. This will come in handy on scouting missions so I can be an extra set of eyes right alongside you."

Versa looked at the items Sy had handed her, mumbling things to herself "Apps? Contacts? What is all of this?"

Meanwhile, a geeking-out Death utters out in flat excitement "What! That's crazy. How did you create these??"

"Like I said.. I'm very skilled. We don't have enough time for me to fully explain the details of my creations. Just so long as you know how they work that is good enough for now." She smirked, proud of her creations.

Sybil's face grows even more serious. "There is also something you 2 should know.. It's about my connection to Rena."

"Your connection?" Versa squished her eyebrows.

"Yes. My connection. You see.. I'm someone from Rena's future. From her real timeline. She hasn't met me yet or well.. She hasn't met my past self...."

"I'm a little lost. Timelines weren't my thing." Versa says with concern.

"Let me put it this way. I first met Rena when I was very young but she was much older than she currently is right now. To put it simply the only reason why I am meeting her now is that these events were not meant to happen in our original timeline."

Versa relaxed a little. "I think I understand the basics of it. It's still a bit confusing but basically, you are someone from Rena's future."

"Yes, but you must make sure that she doesn't find out. If she finds out my true identity it could cause serious problems and I'm afraid the worst-case scenario is that my connection could be used against her. More specifically I'm afraid you know who would use me to get to Rena."

"Sooo.. are you going to tell us just exactly who you are to Rena?" Bob chimed in, smirking. Again not that anyone could see it.

Sy looks at Versa "I'm..."

~Meanwhile back at Death HQ~

Lilith steps through the portal back in front of Death's Door, still blushing with a smile on her face.

"Oh my god." She whispers to herself, as she leans against the door behind her.

"By the look on your face I'm guessing you just got back from meeting Sybil," said a man leaning against the wall, taking a drag of a cigarette. He was a tall slender man, dressed in a dark red hoodie, black skinny jeans with ripped holes, and red combat boots. His hair was black with strips of red throughout. It was Lilith's twin, Damien.

Lilith looks over at her twin "You could have given me a heads up, Asshole"

"Whatttt? Where's the fun in that? She's totally your type and I'd say I did a decent job at being your wingman" he said with a wink, pushing himself off the wall. Lilith just glares at him.
"Welll did you get a chance to talk to her" he said shoving his hands in his pockets, scythe leaning against his shoulder. Rocking back and forth from his heels to his toes.

"...No... but she did give me her number" Lilith stutters out.

The man smiles proudly at himself. "Well, that's a step in the right direction. At least it shows she doesn't dislike you." He removes a hand from one of his pockets to pull the cigarette hanging from his mouth.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean she likes me either. She said it was just in case she needs to contact me which I'm not sure why she would need to. I already passed along who she was looking for. Why would she need to contact me?"

"Oh come on Lil...think about it. If you already passed the people along.. Why would she need to contact you? Other than to talk to you..because she ~likes you~" he cooed.

"But she doesn't even know me.. And she's from a different world Dam."

*DING* Lilith looks down at her phone.

Message from 'Sy-entist'. "Heyy, It's me, Sy ;)"

Lilith's face turns bright red, but she chuckles at the name Sybil put in her phone.

"Well, I can take a wild guess as to who that was haha. Have fun. I'm off to do my collections for the day." Damien smirked, finishing off his cigarette. Swinging his scythe to create a red portal.

She turns to him "Oh shut up. And how many times do I have to tell you to stop smoking those things? They'll kill you."

"Sis... we're repears, does it really make that much of a difference." He steps backward into his portal, both hands out to the side, with a grin plastered on his face.

She just rolls her eyes and turns back to her phone with a small smile.

She texts back a simple. "Hey :)"

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