Rena's Dreams

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Rena is a little girl, 10 years old, sitting on her bed reading a book. Suddenly a knock at her window. She opens it to find her childhood friend eagerly waiting.

"Oh hey, it's you. What are you doing?" she smiled.

"Hey! Ree! Come outside I gotta show you something!" they said jumping up and down.

"I can't right now. You know how grandma is.. is summer reading time. I don't have time to play." she frowned looking away.

"Oh come on she won't even notice you're gone! Come on, I'm only here for the weekend. I go back to my dad's on Sunday. Just sneak out through the window." they said reaching their hand out.

"Ugh ok fine but this better be good," she said as she grabbed their hand, blushing slightly.

Rena climbs through the window. They grab her hand tighter and start running.

"Hey why are we running?!" she yelps.

"Well, we gotta be fast so you get back before grandma notices. We got a bit of a journey to get there," they said turning to look back at her, smiling.

The two make their way through the woods down to the lake. They pull Rena into another wooded area with an opening. Rena bends at the waist and braces herself with her hands on her knees.

Rena muffles out of breath "How much farther? I'm exhausted."

"We're here!" They shout, grinning widely.

Rena looks around. "OK, where is here exactly? What did you want to show me?"

They wave Rena over excitedly to where he is standing "Over here! Look! Isn't this tree so weird? It's got spikes sticking out of it!"

Rena looks at the tree and suddenly has a flash forward to when she meets Versa.

Rena is now back to her current self looking at the tree "Oh, how did I forget they showed me this tree when we were kids? I can't believe it was still there."

Suddenly Rena feels like she's not alone. She turns around to see Bob standing behind her. Rena jumps back and falls to the ground.

"What the hell dude! Why do you have to keep scaring me like that?"

Bob chuckles "Ah sorry, kind comes with the job."

Bob reaches out to help Rena up. She grabs his hand and is surprised it doesn't feel bony. It almost felt.... Human? Probably just my imagination, we are in my dreams after all.

"Thanks. Wait.. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY DREAMS?" Rena demands crossing her arms across her chest.

Bob rubs the back of his hooded head "Heh sorry. It's kind of urgent."

"What could possibly be so urgent you had to invade my dreams? Wait, why didn't you just do this earlier when you needed to talk to Versa?"

"Guardians don't dream so I wouldn't have been able to invade her dreams, ya know."

"Oh right. Well, go on then. What's so urgent? OH, NO don't tell me HE found us." Rena's eyes went wide in concern.

"Oh, definitely not that. Quite the opposite. I found someone who can help us find the other guardians. But she's in a different world. We'd have to travel between realms."

" Well, that's good news. I know Versa has been struggling with the fact she hasn't found anyone yet. Wait so if that's the case why did you come into my dreams just to tell me that? We really need to work on boundaries with you don't we." she frowned.

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