FT - Girls Night

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Lucy and Mystic were walking back to her apartment. Lucy was walking along the ledge along the small river that ran through town, Mystic stayed on the road, smiling at the carefree girl. Once they reached the apartment, Lucy gave her a tour before she dragged Mystic into her bathtub which barely fit the two of them. Mystic was blushing a little as this wasn't something she was used to but gave in feeling she needed the comfort. She had never really been close to another girl before. Sure she was bonded with Versa but that was a different kind of relationship. She had never had a girl best friend. She kept to herself at school and her childhood best friend was a...boy.

Lucy smiled softly at the girl before her. She could tell something was weighing on the girl and while she didn't want to pry, she also didn't want the girl to dig herself into a hot mess.

"Mann there's nothing better than a hot bath after a long day." Lucy broke the silence.

"Hmm yeah." Mystic mumbled.

"Hey, Mystic.. You sure you're ok?" Lucy asked softly. "I'm a good listener if need to vent."

"Yeah, I'm ok... Just a little.. Homesick? No that's not right.. *sigh*.. It's hard to explain I guess." she stumbled, pulling her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around her shins.

Lucy reached out her hand and placed it on Mystic's knee. "It's ok. We're friends now, I'll be here if you ever want to talk."

Mystic sat there for a while contemplating what to say or even feel. She started to tear up again before letting more of her heart out. "Thank you, Lucy. You know.. You're the first real girlfriend that I've had. I feel like I could tell you anything. I just.. It feels good not to be alone. I've been so lonely since my mother..." she paused. It had been a while since she had talked about her mother's passing and she realized the anniversary of her death was only a few days away, well back in her world that is.

So much had been happening she hadn't realized it was coming up. The first two years were extremely hard for her. She was only 5 and was suddenly left alone with he grandmother whom she barely knew, and who was barely home. She was often left alone to cry to herself. That was until he came along. The boy pulled her out of the darkness and gave her warmth and friendship. That was until he disappeared and never returned like he said he would. She was left alone again and the anniversaries got harder every year. This was the 5th year she'd be alone after he left.

"...passed away when I was 5. My grandmother took me in but she traveled so much I was always alone. I had a friend but he only visited on the weekends and in the summer. After a while, he disappeared and I was left alone again. He.. always helped me through the tough times, especially on the anniversary of her death, but for the past 4, I've been alone. Her anniversary is in a few days and..*hiccup* ...I'm afraid...*hiccup*.. It will be as hard as the first one..*hiccup*" She choked through the tears that had begun to fall much to her dismay. She hated being emotional, especially in front of strangers.

Lucy leaned up and embraced Mystic in an awkward hug but a hug nonetheless. She was silent for a moment before she spoke "I lost my mother too. I was 10 years old. My father got lost in his work and often ignored me. I had the servants and Aquarius but I also felt so alone." Lucy felt her tears start to fall as she sat back breaking the hug.

Mystic looked up, seeing the young mage in front of her having a similar experience warmed her heart a little, and she didn't feel so alone anymore.

"We should probably get out of the bath now before we turn into prunes." Lucy chuckled trying to break the tension.

"Yeah let's," she smiled as the girls got out of the bath and into some comfy PJs.

"Lucy, I have to admit. This was very nice. Thank you.. I've never... been to a sleepover before." Mystic said nervously rubbing the back of her neck.

"Well, then we will just have to have more!" Lucy cheered, making a sudden realization come to Mystic that made her frown again. This was only a mission. She wouldn't be here forever, she would have to leave, likely soon. She was only here to protect this sweet girl from the clutches of a dangerous man. She was getting too close. What would they feel when they found out she'd been keeping the fact she was from another world from them?

Mystic was about to reply when there was a sudden crash from the bedroom/living room.

Lucy scowled "I swear if that's Natsu and Happy.. They have no sense of privacy.." she stomped out of the bathroom, Mystic following close behind, ready to give the boys a good scolding.

Instead of a fireball and a fluffball, the girls were met with a man, wearing blue-tinted glasses, a black suit and tie, and orange hair with..ears?

"Loke!" Lucy yelped. "What are you going here?"

"I came to see you my Lucy~ will you marry me?" He said with hearts in his eyes until he laid his eyes on the woman behind her. "Oh my, who is this lovely lady behind you?" He reached out grabbing Mystic's hand to kiss it, before pausing in shock at the strange feeling when he grabbed the woman's hand. He continued anyway placing a gentle kiss on the back of her hand causing her to blush slightly before pulling away quickly. He didn't brush the feeling off but figured it could be addressed later.

"This is Mystic, the newest member of Fairy Tail. Mystic meet Loke, also known as Leo the Lion. Leader of the Golden Zodiacs." Lucy introduced him.

"A pleasure, Miss Mystic." he bowed.

Mystic turned her head sharply, hearing he was a celestial spirit. "Oh no, the pleasure is mine! You're a celestial spirit?" she said with stars in her eyes.

Mystic has always been interested in astronomy so she studied in her free time about planets, stars, and constellations. She felt at peace when she lost herself in the stars. So she might have started fangirling at meeting one of the spirits that represents the constellations she was so fond of.

"Yes ma'am." He said with a quirky smile.

"Why are you here Loke? I didn't summon you here."

"Ah yes well. I came on my own. A...friend.. Of ours was concerned of your well-being. There has been a stirring amongst the higher ups so I thought I'd come to check on you." he said glancing over to Mystic, feeling there was something about her presence that seemed unusual. Curiosity getting the best of him he asked Mystic a question. "Say Miss Mystic?"

"Um yes?" she said slightly pink in the cheeks.

"Pardon me if this is a bit invasive, but... are you perhaps from another world?"

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