MHA - The Chamber

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Just as the knife was about to meet Rena's chest the window shattered. All Ryker saw was a flash of red as the knife was knocked out of his hand by the feather that came from Rena's pocket.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Ryker screamed as he looked up to be met with Hawks' fist to his face knocking him back a few feet.

Hawks stood in between Ryker and the table where Rena was lying. He just glared at the man who was seconds away from stabbing his best friend.

To break the tension the elevator dinged and out stepped Dabi with a scowl on his face. "I thought I told you not to do anything stupid Kage."

"I didn't DO anything. It was all him." Kage said blankly, nodding his head towards Ryker, who was still on the floor rubbing his face from where Hawks had decked him.

"Still, you let him do something," Dabi groaned as his fist started to spark his blue flames. "And that pisses me off."

Hawks turned to face Rena on the table. He noticed the blood on her leg and his heart dropped. He started unbuckling her as Dabi walked towards the other two, warding them off from trying something.

"So it pissed you off so much you brought a Hero with you?" Kage asked.

"Feathers over here is our guy for all the intel on the Heroes. He's working for the League, or did you forget that?" Dabi sneered, walking up to the scientist's face.

"Honestly, I didn't even notice him around. I've been kind of busy with other things." Kage answered with a dead expression.

"Other things? Like the special test subject? Who is it?"

"Look for yourself. He's in there" Kage said, pointing to the large chamber.

Rena and Hawks made eye contact and their eyes went wide. They both slowly turned to look at the chamber. While everyone's attention was on the body floating in the chamber, Ryker stood up and grabbed his knife off the ground. He slowly started walking towards Hawks before he started to sprint.

Rena turned her head in time to see him seconds away from stabbing Hawks in the back.

"HAWKS DUCK!" Rena yelled as she raised her hand and sent out a ball of light as Hawks ducked down just in time. Once it hit Ryker it formed around him, locking him in place.

"What the..." Rena said, looking at her hand. Was that the light form? I haven't learned that yet though.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH! YOU'RE HERE FOR THE GUARDIAN AREN'T YOU?" Ryker screamed, trying to break free from the light forcefield holding him still.

"What if I am? What are you going to do about it?" she grinned.

Everyone snapped their heads towards Rena.

Guardian? Dabi

She's not here for me? Kage

Was that magic? Hawks

So she wasn't just protecting that bimbo in Fairy Tail. She was protecting the guardian too. Ryker

They all had a thought to themselves.

"So you do have a quirk," Dabi smirked.

"I never said I didn't... And technically it's not a quirk," she said.

"Then what is it?" he asked.

"It's magic." Ryker sneered. "Because she's not from this world."

"Huh? You're still going on with that shit? Who'd even believe that crap." Dabi tossed his hands into the air.

"So I was right then," Kage mumbled.

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