MHA - Bingo!

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Dabi and his blank-faced partner finally made it back to the mansion. They had just left the tourist girl behind in the alleyway and Dabi was feeling mischievous. He had an evil grin plastered on his face. He sent a message to the new number that was now on his phone as they walked down the hallway.

His partner stopped walking after he heard a ding on his phone. He finally spoke up to Dabi.

"Who was that girl?" he asked, still not looking up from his phone.

Dabi stopped walking and turned his head "What?"

The man moved his eyes to look at Dabi but didn't move his head. "That girl. Who was she?"

Dabi scoffed. This man barely talked, only spoke if absolutely necessary and even then it was always so dry. He was a scientist working on a secret project which Dabi found very strange. Being one of the main members of the LOV, not much was kept from him so what was the project this dull existence of a being was doing that he couldn't be informed of?

He finally turned around to face the man. "What's it to you... Kage." he sneered.

Kage finally lifted his head towards Dabi. "Because... According to my readings just now, she has similar readings to our test subject."

"Test subject?" Dabi questioned, his curiosity peaking, hopeful he'd learn something about the 'special project'.

Kage opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by a cackling high-pitched laugh, causing Dabi to roll his eyes.

"Ohhh Dabiiiii," A blonde with pigtail buns and a vampiric grin giggled skipping towards the two, licking one of her knives. "You're late and Shiggy is madddd."

Dabi just groaned and rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I'll be there in a second. Tell Crusty he can wait. I'm in the middle of something."

"Ook but he's not going to be happy about it." she shrugged and skipped over to a door and slammed it open making one of the occupants flinch. "Twiceee come on. It's meeting time!"

"OK Toga, Thanks, Hawks! No! I don't want to go to this stupid meeting." Twice contradicted himself as he walked out waving bye to Hawks.

Hawks looked up towards the door making eye contact with Dabi. Dabi gave Hawks a nasty side-eye and scoffed. "Kage, we'll talk about this later," Dabi said to the scientist and turned to walk towards the meeting room.

Little did he know that Hawks had heard the whole conversation and he was curious. Who were they talking about? Test Subject, was it a new nomu? Whatever, that can wait. He could just listen in when the two got together again. Hawks was aware that he now needed to keep an eye out on this Kage character as he was the one Mystic had mentioned was suspicious. Hawks eyes the briefcase as the man walks away. Hawks was left alone in the room so he decided it was time to leave. Well, make it look like he was leaving. He would stay close enough to listen in on the big meeting going down.

Most of the meeting was useless information. It only got interesting when they began to mention dates, locations, and numbers. BINGO! The information Hawks needed for the commission. Now he needed to figure out how to let the Heroes know without blowing his cover to the League. Suddenly something else he heard made his wings shiver. Hospital? Special project? Test subject? Glowing essence? BINGO number two. That had to be about the guardian right? Suddenly he heard a voice he didn't recognize.

"I'll allow you one more month of experiments with the subject, then we're taking him with us. I need his essence but I've taken a liking to you and your cause. You and your followers will be allowed to join me in my new world. Until it's ready, you are free to do whatever you want here in this world. I'll be back when the time is right." The man finished and Hawks heard him and someone else walking away. The doors opened and they stepped out of the room. The man who had been talking glanced down and saw a red feather on the ground. He bent down and picked it up.

"Hm.. I want you to stick around," he said to the other presence next to him, "Keep an eye on things and report back to me. I feel like something interesting is about to happen." he twirled the feather in his fingers before dropping it like a piece of trash. Hawks flinched, eyes wide and pupils going paper thin. This guy felt dangerous, even more so than any of the League members. Is this the type of people Mystic is up against? He thought, his stomach twisting in knots and his face turned pale. He had to talk to her and let her know what he had found out, and the possibility her enemies were already here.

~Back at Mystics Room~

Rena let out a sigh and turned to go back inside. "I'm fine." She mumbled as she walked past Hawks, leaving the door open. Hawks took that as his invitation to come inside.

"You're a bad liar, Mystie." Hawks said as he followed her inside. She sat down in her usual spot in the chair so Hawks took the couch and placed the drinks on the coffee table.

"Mystie? No kid this time? Are you ok, Hawkie?" Rena mocked, hoping it would change the subject. She didn't want to talk about what he had heard on the balcony. She really hoped he hadn't heard the part about Clark.

Hawks let his smile drop a little, his fake hero facade with it. "Just a long day, but I might have figured some things out."

"Oh? Do tell. Maybe your day was better than mine." Rena joked as she reached for one of the seltzers. "Guess I'll give this thing a shot then."

Hawks watched as she opened the can and took a big gulp of the drink. He grabbed for one himself doing the same.

Rena let out a gasp as she moved the drink away from her lips. "Hey, this is actually pretty good." She said looking at the container. She then looked up at Hawks, hoping he'd spill his information first.

He looked back at her and grinned, still holding the drink close to his mouth. "What? Want me to go first?"

"Yes. Now spill it." She said pulling her drink back to take another swig.

"Mmmm nah. You spill first. It's my birthday." he said placing his drink down and then leaning back into the couch, Interlocking his fingers behind his head.

"I don't think you're going to like what I have to say.." Rena said looking down, placing her drink down as well.

Hawks shrugged "Try me, short stuff."

Rena looked up and let out a huge sigh. She leaned back into her chair and rested her hands in her lap. "Sy got me a job teaching English at that UA school.... Anndddd I sort of got cornered by Dabi today and blackmailed into spying on you for him to get a pass to join the League."

Hawks face dropped along with his hands. He was silent for what felt like an eternity but was only a matter of seconds. Rena reluctantly looked up and met his piercing gold eyes.

"What?" he finally responded in a dark tone that almost sent shivers down Rena's spine.

She gulped, not feeling threatened, just disappointed. Feeling that she let her possibly only friend in this world down already, and it wasn't even entirely her fault.

She looked away and took a deep breath. "I told you you wouldn't like what I had to say. "

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