FT/MHA - All Alone

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"I'm surprised you remember that, Hawks," Sy said. "Moving on, Lucy, Hawks, could I speak to you both for a moment in my office."

"Of course," "Sure," they both said.

"Thank you, everyone else, I'll be just a moment. You can chat amongst yourself." she looked towards Lucy and Hawks. "Follow me."

They followed Sy into her private office and Hawks shut the door. Sy sat down and had a serious look on her face.

"Is... Something wrong?" Hawks asked, confused.

"Yes," Sy said sadly.

"There's... been an accident... in Mystic's home world. I plan to tell her when she wakes up, but honestly, I'm not sure how she will take the news. You two have become her closest friends and I'd like it if you were there." Sy said solemnly.

"Of course," Lucy said with a smile.

"What happened?" Hawks asked concerned.

"It's.. About her grandmother. There was a fi–" Sy was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Yes?" Sy asked.

"Miss Sy? It's Mystic. She's awake." Wendy's voice called through the door.

"Ah, we will be right there," Sy yelled through the door. Turning back to the others "Guess it's time. Let's go."

They walked into the infirmary to see Rena surrounded by everyone. Erza had Grey and Natsu in a chokehold. Happy and Carla were flying just above. Midoriya was asking Mystic a million questions, Bakugo was leaning back with a pissed-off look, and Todoroki was lingering behind.

Mystic was sitting with a soft smile on her face, laughing at everyone's usual antics.

"Excuse me, I would love for everyone to continue having fun. Especially since Mystic is awake and well, however, I have something urgent I need to speak to her about. Can you all give us the room? Hawks, Lucy, I need you two to stay."

"Aw, but we want to stay. We haven't seen Mystic in so long! Why does Lucy get to stay?" Natsu whined, earning a bump on the head from Erza.

"I understand but this... This can't wait." Sy said, averting her eyes to the ground.

Everyone was a little surprised by the sudden mood change. Sy was always so focused, calm, and collected. Seeing her with sadness in her eyes made the atmosphere awkward.

Quickly, everyone left the room, leaving Mystic, Sy, Hawks, and Lucy.

"What's with this atmosphere? I only got a little hurt. I didn't die or anything."

"R-Mystic. It's about your grandmother. There was an accident. She–"

"Died." Rena finished her sentence.

"Yes. I'm sorry." Sy said softly.

"It's ok, we... We weren't all that close." Rena said turning her head.

"Yes I figured as much but the problem is the accident itself. There was a fire... and the number one suspect... was your father. He was wanted for arson and murder. " Sy said coldly.

"Was?" Rena asked.

"He was later found dead from a gunshot wound. Believed to be from his own gun, however, it's not believed to be suicide."

"Oh." Rena's face dropped.

She wasn't too bothered by her grandmother passing away. But if it was because of the fire, because she was murdered by her father, what should she feel? She didn't know her father, she barely knew her grandmother. So why did it sting? She shouldn't care, right? They didn't care about her, so why should she care about them?

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