MHA - What's it going to be, doll?

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"So what's it going to be, doll?" he sneered. A menacing grin pulling at the staples of his face. His partner behind him looking less than interested.

Rena smirked, considering her options, she felt there was only one way out of this alleyway... alive. "Fine. You have a deal. I was bored anyway and from what I've seen you guys have tons of fun."

The man smiled and leaned off the wall he had pinned Rena against. "Smart choice. We do have lots of fun." he chuckled. "Give me your number."

"What for?" Rena raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Going to need to contact you somehow sweetheart." He grinned as he handed Rena his phone.

She took it and held it up to her phone transferring the information. Handing it back to the man, she noticed his confused expression. "What? Jealous of my fancy tech?" she smirked.

"Nah I don't do fancy. Just surprised is all. Where did you say you were from again?" he asked.

"I didn't but frankly it doesn't matter. I ran away. That place sucked. Too many stuckups wanting to be praised for doing a good job. Makes me sick. So I stole some of their stuff and left the country. Heard about you guys so thought I'd give it a shot here." Rena rambled, hoping her vague story would be believable.

There was an awkward silence as the man stared at her trying to gauge her story. After what seemed like an eternity he turned and said "Let's go," and his quiet companion turned to follow him out of the alleyway.

He paused for a moment before looking over his shoulder, his eyes glowing a dangerous blue. "Remember princess, you belong to the League of Villains now. I trust you'll follow my instructions. Prove to me that oversized chicken is a traitor. Otherwise, you'll wish you stayed in that boring past of yours." Then two men disappeared into the crowded street.

Rena breathed a sigh of relief as she leaned against the wall before she felt her knees give out and collapse to the ground.

"How'd this even happen?" she whispered to herself.

~Earlier that day~

Rena was walking in a park close to a temple she had just visited. She sat down and enjoyed some Japanese street food she had picked up along the way. After the awkward morning with both Hawks and Sy, Rena had gone out to do some sightseeing to keep her mind from drifting. She needed a distraction and what else was she going to do while Sy got her set up with a "Job".

Rena didn't know much about how this world worked. There were Heroes with superpowers called quirks that would protect the citizens from villains that also had superpowers. Could she really pass off her magic as a quirk? How would working under a hero agency work? And what about the other option? Teaching at a school? Rena was smart, top of her class, and probably the biggest nerd at her school, which is why she didn't have friends. But could she teach a bunch of high school kids?

She sighed as she finished her food, realizing that it was getting late and she had not heard anything from Sy. "Guess I better head back," she mumbled to herself as she stood up and began the long walk back to her hotel.

She didn't notice a pair of teal eyes following her as she walked past two people when she left the park.


The man with the teal eyes turned and watched Rena walk out of the park. His face began to twitch as he smiled underneath the mask he wore to hide his face.

"Well, what do we have here? Looks like a lost tourist seems to be wandering the streets. We better help the poor girl." he spoke out loud to himself.

The man who was with him looked up from his phone. "What did you say? We need to be getting to the lab. I need to analyze these samples." he said, slightly annoyed.

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