MHA - The Escape

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Everyone was frozen, some from fear, others just from the tension in the air, and it was LACED with ominosity. The footsteps grew closer and closer. It was an agonizing 10 seconds. Then, the footsteps stopped. Rena could feel it, she could feel him.


Versa's voice was trembling inside Rena's head.

It's him, isn't it? It's Odysseus..

... Yes. Rena, please... Please be careful. Not just for my sake but for yours as well.

"So, who came to take my little toy away? Hum?" he finally spoke.

Rena felt Hawks' grip tighten around her waist. "That's the voice I heard at the meeting. Is it him? Odysseus?" he whispered quietly in Rena's ear so no one could hear.

She just slowly nodded, enough to confirm it but not so much anyone noticed.

His voice boomed "WELL??"

Ryker walked over next to Odysseus and said "It was her, sir. And she's also the one that stopped me from getting that zodiac bitch from Fairy Tail."

"Alkwan..." Odysseus grumbled under his breath.

"Her name was Lucy..." Rena narrowed her eyes as she turned around to face him. As soon as she laid eyes on Odysseus an unsettling feeling of familiarity and fear dug into her skin. It must be feelings from Versa.

She could handle Ryker. She beat him once before she could do it again, but Odysseus. The power seeping out of him was beyond her limits. All her instincts were telling her to run. But the guardian, he was right there. How could they get him and escape? It was 4 against 2.

"I don't care what her name was, she had the power to call upon the zodiacs and I needed that to get to Alkwan. Not that his power is necessary but he was the first one we could locate. And power is power, I'm going to take all of their powers."

He looked over at the guardian on the ground. He started to laugh as he walked over. He grabbed him by the knot on top of his head and lifted his head to look at his face.

"Look at you. Aviv. How pitiful. Versa did all that work sending you all throughout the galaxy and you go and get yourself caught by some lowly humans." he let go of his hair and Avivs face hit the floor, just nearly missing some glass.

"Alkwans power wouldn't have given me much but yours? Oh, what I can do with the power of time." he started to lowly chuckle but it gradually turned into a menacing cackle, making even Dabi flinch.

Dabi was a villain, a cold-blooded murderer, a menace, and downright insane but this guy? He was unhinged. Dabi was starting to believe it now, that these people were from another world and he wanted nothing to do with this mess. Sure he wanted entertainment but this was not what he signed up for.

He saw one of Hawks's feathers on the ground near him so Dabi stepped on it and twisted it hoping it would get Hawks' attention. He looked up and saw Hawks wince and turn his head to look at his feather under Dabi's foot. He looked up and Dabi flashed him a look. Hawks immediately understood and nodded slightly.

Aviv started to push himself up. gradually standing up but still hunched over, arms dangling at his side. He tilted his head slightly and glared at Odysseus from under his eyebrows.

"You won't win." he began to say before a coughing fit. Once it cleared he spoke again "Your time will end. You'll never be a god. We won't let that happen."

"HA! You say that but look at you! You're in no state to fight and this was done by humans. How dense can you be? Is your head only filled with clocks? You're the Guardian of Time, but I think...your time has just run out." Odysseus spoke as he reached into his cloak and pulled out a syringe.

Rena felt her body go cold as she had a flashback of when he held Versa up by the throat and stole some of her essence. She instinctively reaches to cover her neck as her face turns pale. Something that did not go unnoticed by Hawks.

He needed to get her out of there quickly, but they needed the guardian too. He glanced back towards Dabi then flicked his eyes towards the guardian twice, signaling that he was going to get him. Dabi nodded, then readied his hands.

Kage was just leaning against the counter observing everything, Ryker was too busy focused on Odysseus who was closing in on Aviv. Now was their chance. Dabi's hands ignited and he sent a wave of flames throughout the lab. It blocked Ryker, Odysseus, and Kage from reaching the others. Hawks sent some of his feathers and hooked them in Aviv's shirt. He sent him flying out the window as he picked Rena up and followed suit.

Dabi ran to the window and jumped, lighting flames underneath him to breathe his fall. Once on the ground, he ran to follow the direction Hawks had gone, hoping to find some answers.


Hawks flew as fast and far as he could, carrying Rena and Aviv with his feathers. Once he thought they were a safe distance he lowered them down to the ground. They were back at the park so he sat them both down on a bench.

"Thank you... for saving me." Aviv said, looking up towards Hawks.

"Uh sure, no problem. Part of the job." Hawks said awkwardly before looking down towards Rena. She was still incredibly pale and breathing rather heavily. Her eyes had lost all focus and were glazed over. She was stiff, leaning forward with her head looking towards the ground in front of her.

"Whoa! Mystic! You alright kid?" Hawks said as he squared down to face her.

She didn't move or say anything. Hawks stood up and pulled his phone out to call Sy. Just as he was about to, Dabi ran up, huffing and puffing.

"Fucking Christ, you're fast." he huffed bending over and leaning his hands on his knees.

"What's wrong? Got too much smoke in your lungs?" Hawks sneered.

"Wow, first of all, fuck you. Second of all... Can anyone explain to me what the FUCK JUST HAPPENED?" he stood up straight crossing his arms over his chest.

"What's it to you? You don't believe them anyway." Hawks replied.

"Well, I changed my mind. No one can be that fucking insane and not be from another world. And what's it to me? I just saved your asses so I at least deserve a fucking explanation."

"It will have to wait. I need to take care of Mystic first." Hawks frowned and looked back down.

Rena started to move her hands to her head but then her hair started to turn blonde and her eyes gold.

"What the fuck is going on with her? " Dabi growled.

"Shit. That's Versa." Hawks bent back down and started to shake her gently. "Hey Mystic, you there? Versa? Probably not a good time to come out."

"So she is Versa's host then?" Aviv mumbled.

"Who the fuck is Versa?" Dabi gritted between his teeth.

"It's a long fucking story that we don't have the time for right now, Dabi. So just SHUT UP FOR A FUCKING SECOND." Hawks snapped causing Rena to flinch and the blonde hair disappeared. Rena started to blink and finally moved her head to look up at Hawks.

"Hey, hey, there you are. You OK Kid?"

Rena jolted up but then immediately crashed back down after having a painful reminder of the wounds on her leg. "Ah, shit! That hurts. Wait. What happened?" She looked around and saw Aviv sitting next to her.

"Oh, we got him? And got out?" she then looked around and saw Dabi standing there and she immediately tensed up. "What's he doing here?"

"Chill." Hawks said as he stood up, relieved she was OK again. "He helped us escape so he's here–"

"For answers." Dabi interrupted.

"Oh. Um, Thanks... For helping us." She said shyly, looking away.

"Tch. I didn't do it for you, sweetheart. Something just seemed off about that guy."

"Off would be an understatement." Rena scoffed.

"Well? Are we going to sit here all night or are you going to get to the part where you tell me what the FUCK is going on?" Dabi snapped.

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