Chapter 1. ~Nice to Meet Ya.~

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2:37 PM

"I'm home!" I hear my roommate, Riley, call from the living room. I suppress an irritated sigh. She's been shoving her nose into my business for the past week. "Y/N? Are you here?"

"I'm here." I reply in a bored tone as I move my art pencil across the drawing tablet. Smooth, black strokes appear as I trace over the sketch of my drawing.

"Hiii!" She runs over to me and gives me a big hug, placing her chin on my shoulder in a way that would look friendly to anyone else, but I know that, deep down, she's just checking to make sure I'm not doing something I'm 'not supposed to be doing'.

"So how was your day?" She asks.

"Fine." I shrug. "Just drawing."

"Are you ever gonna find a job?"

I bite back a retort and just grit my teeth. "I'm still looking."

"Well look harder." She pokes me. "Those bills aren't gonna pay themselves."

Bitch. I think, clenching my fist around my art pencil. "Riley, I have work to do. Please..."

"Right, right." She taps my head in that irritating way she always does, then skips out of the room, not bothering to close the door. I sigh, set my drawing tablet down, and shut it. I sit back down and put the drawing tablet back in my lap.

"You don't like her either, do you, Disgrace?" I look down at the skeleton I'm drawing. It's someone's OC, and they commissioned me to draw her. The skeleton has a sleep deprived scowl on her face, her right eye light smoking a light purple color as she holds a cigarette in her hands. "Yeah, I didn't think so."

I continue to draw over the sketch, playing my music at a volume in which I won't break my ears, but I won't be able to hear Riley when she calls for me, as I don't want to deal with her right now.


4:59 PM

Me: Hey y'all, I'm looking for commissions. An example of what I draw is down below. Feel free to DM me about prices if you're interested ^^

Me: [Attachment]


5:09 PM

Fell: Oi, @Y/N#1201

Me: yeah-?

Fell: ya draw that?

Me: mhm

Fell: the arm proportions are all off.

Me: ...

Fell: left eye's a bit too small, too.

Me: -

Fell: pluuuuus i'd say the spine isn't looking too good. that skele needs a chiropractor

Me: um

Fell: like yeah it ain't horible but it's kinda shit

Fell: might wanna work on improving yer art skills

Me: ...did you ping me just to be rude

Fell: yes

Fell: i'm just trynna give ya advice

Fell: oh btw

Fell: that bg?

Fell: absolute shit

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now