Chapter 13. ~Cat.~

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10:26 AM

Fell: heyeyYYYyeeyeyyeYEYEYYYYyEYEYEYe

Fell: im so tired rn

Me: hii

Fell: guess what i found

Me: abraham lincoln

Fell: n O

Fell: a cat

Fell: i found a cat

Fell: and it's the nicest creature i've ever met

Fell: it's currently hiding in my jakcet rn

Me: awwhhhh

Me: whats its name??

Fell: i dont have a name for it yet

Fell: ive kinda just beein callin' him butter

Me: "butter"

Fell: mhm

Me: that's a perfect name imo

Fell: now that you say it

Fell: yes

Fell: his name is butter

Me: can i see butter-?

Fell: [Attachment]

Fell: ignore the glove btw that's me-

Me: FELL HAND REVEAL NO WAEEEE !!11111111111!11111!111!!!111

Fell: lol

Me: butter is so cute

Fell: yes

Fell: he's the first nice creature ive met in my life

Me: what about me

Fell: you have yer edgy moments

Me: mmmfmFMFMMFfair

Fell: hhehehe

Me: do not

Fell: orgasm

Fell: butter sneezed and it was the most adorable thing i've ever witnessed

Me: ahwhWHWJHWJHJhJWHjahjhjhjwwhjWHJHAWhjahjajhwjaHjahwjhwjhAJhwhwhj

Me: dont you dare

Fell: >:] orgasm


Fell: damn who's suckin' yer dick

Me: i dont have a dick

Fell: ya got smth

Me: i have...

Me: a p u s sy 

Fell: butter

Me: ?   ?  ?    

Fell: pussycat

Me: no

Fell: hehe

Me: omg im so BORED

Fell: am i that boring


Fell: oh

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now