Chapter 8. ~A Lot About My Life, and a Little About His, and a Promise.~

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1:28 AM

Fell: heyyeyeyeyyyeyyeyeyeyyeyyyeyyeyeyyeyyeyyeyeyeyeyeyyeyey

Me: hey

Fell: how was work

Fell: did that bozo show up

Me: no he's sick

Fell: L

Fell: deserved

Me: i'm tired

Fell: did i wake ya from yer beuty sleep

Me: no i was never asleep

Me: i've been drawing

Fell: watchu drawin' sweetheart

Me: don't make fun of it, it's such a heavy wip

Me: [Attachment]

Fell: makes fun of it instatly


Fell: jk

Fell: not rlly im making fun of it in my head

Fell: but for the sake of BEING NICE

Fell: i'll keep those rude thoughts to mightself tonight <3

Me: ty

Me: well no

Me: i want yor honest thouhts

Fell: erm

Fell:  the skull...

Me: too big?

Fell: mhm

Fell: you could make the arms a little thciker

Fell: i dont' know much about human anatomy

Me: and yet you know all about skeletons despite being a human

Me: what are you, a necrophile? /j

Fell: -

Me: hhrrhrhreheheh

Fell: anyways

Fell: the eyes are good thsitime. You've learned

Fell: eyahh itdc kinda sjutst the hwead

Me: ...

Me: i'm so tired can you repeat that

Fell: yeah it's kinda just the head*

Me: oh-

Fell: lmao i'm tired too my brother made me stay up all nihht lookig for nerds

Me: oh

Me: nerds

Fell: mhm

Fell: how's that bitch riley

Me: still a jerk

Me: earlier today she got mad bc i wouldnt tell her where i was going ( i was going to the store for a bit ) and so she was texting me like every 2 minutes

Fell: e w

Fell: crrrrrrrrap one sex

Me: one sex???

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now