Chapter 32. ~Drama.~

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"Can you not?" I ask Riley as she tells me she's going to bring a friend over tonight. I planned to call Fell and hang out downstairs, thinking Riley was going to be gone.

"Why not?" She asks, her voice cold. "You might like her."

"I'm not in the mood to be meeting new people. You know how I am."

"Yeah, yeah, you're anxious and whatever." She rolls her eyes and pulls out her phone, probably texting her friend to come over.

"Riley, this is my house." I growl. "If you wanna hang out with your friend, do it elsewhere."

"I pay half of the rent, excuse me." She gives me a glare. "Which means it's also my house, which means I can bring over my friends."

"I don't want her over." I clench my fists.

"Well I'm bringing her over anyway, and you can't stop me." She stands up, and so do I.

"You know what your problem is?" I snarl. "You're an attention-seeker."

"I AM NOT!" She whirls around, nearly smacking me in the face, but I duck out of the way just in time.

"Yes you are." I growl. "All you care about is attention. It's all you've ever cared about."

Anger sparks in her eyes, and she growls. "Remind me again why we're friends?"

"That's what I want to know." I bare my teeth and cross my arms.

She hisses, then storms upstairs. She slams the door to her room shut, and I sit down at the kitchen table, finishing my lunch. I hope I shut her up. I don't wanna deal with her shit right now.

Only ten minutes later, Riley's dragging several bags down the stairs. She gives me a glare, wordlessly slipping her shoes and jacket on, then pulls her bags out of the house and slams the front door shut.


9:30 PM

"Right on time~" Fell purrs as I pick up the call. He frowns. "Ya don't look happy to see me."

"Riley walked out at lunch. We had a big fight, and now she's gone."

"GOOD." Fell barks, then coughs. "Ngh, sorry-" He clears his throat. "I'm glad she's gone."

I sigh. "...It feels so empty..."

"Doesn't it feel good to have her outta yer hair?"

I roll onto my side, staring at the TV. "I guess. It's just... Very empty now..."

Suddenly, the front door clicks open, and I look up. Riley walks in, tear stains on her face. I forgot she still had a key. She refuses to meet my gaze as she sets her bags down.

"I'm sorry." She whispers, and I can barely hear her. Fell is oddly silent. "I'm sorry I've been so... So annoying... And moody, I just..." She sighs, looking at me. "Ever since you've started talking with Fell, you've hardly spoken to me, and when you do speak to me, you're mad at me, and I just... Miss the times when we'd hang out together. And I shouldn't have tried to invite Sasha over without your permission. And I shouldn't have forced you and Max to talk or whatever." She pinches the bridge of her nose. "I'm a control freak, I know, I just can't help it."

"...I'm sorry, too." I mumble. "I- I don't actually hate you..." I somehow forget Fell is here as I go on. "I'm just angry that you act like my mother sometimes."

She chuckles sadly. "I guess we both made a lot of mistakes. Maybe... Maybe this whole 'roommate' thing isn't meant to work." She looks around, then her gaze meets mine again. "But... I... I hope you'll at least let me try again..."

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now