Chapter 40. ~The End.~ [[NSFW]]

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If you don't like smut, go read the SFW version! :D

This is the final chapter, so enjoy!




Fell kisses me fiercely, his hands struggling to slip his jacket off. I push him away gently, wiping a bead of sweat off of his face. I grab his hands and rub the tops of them with my thumbs.

"Take your time." I whisper. His hands are shaking slightly, and I try to still them.

He takes a deep breath, then slips his jacket off, his hands still trembling. He slips his shirt off, then leans down and goes back to kissing me. I wrap my arms around him, and he pushes me into the mattress, letting out a small growl as he pulls away. He pulls my shirt over my head, then leans back down and starts making small bite marks on my collarbone.

"Are- Are you... Ready?" He whispers, a sudden gentleness in his voice. "I don't wanna force ya, sweetheart."

"Yes. I'm ready." I kiss him.

His hands start to shake again as he slips his shorts off. A bright red dick the color of his eye light appears, and I blink, surprised.

"What?" He chuckles. "I told ya about this before."

"I know, I just- I didn't think it'd, uh... Be so... So-" I struggle to find words. "I just didn't really- Never mind."

He chuckles again and lies on his back. He beckons me forward, and I sit up. He gestures to his dick, and I lean down. I lick the side of it, and he sighs. I bite the tip softly, then take part of it into my mouth and suck on it slightly. He sits up with a small groan, then digs his fingers into my scalp and pushes my head down a little bit. I squeak, and he pauses. I take in a little more, and he sighs again.

"Yer good at this, y'know." He murmurs, laying back down as I suck on his dick a little harder.

I slip my pants off and drop them on the floor, then sit up. Fell raises a bony eyebrow, then scrambles on top of me. He kisses me passionately as he levels his dick with my entrance.

"I, uh-" He pauses. "If it hurts, let me know, k...? I- I don't wanna hurt ya..."

I nod. "Alright."

I grit my teeth as he slips the tip of his member into me. He slowly eases his way into me until his entire dick is inside me. I let out a shaky moan as he starts to slowly thrust in and out of me. I dig my fingers into the sheets and arch my back.

"N-Nghhmm..." Fell grunts. "Y-Yer pretty tight-"

"Well, Max had the smallest dick in existence, so-" I moan softly again. "Y-Y'know-"

He snorts. "Y-Yeah, I bet he did-"

He uses one hand to massage my breast softly, using the other to hold my hips. He adjusts himself, then pulls out and slams himself into me harshly. I let out a cry, and I clamp my hand over my mouth to silence myself. I bite on my finger as he roughly fucks me, though moans still escape my throat. I pray the others can't hear me, though they probably can.

"A-Ah, Fell-" I groan, my pussy clenching around his member. He grits his teeth, clenching his fist around the tip of my breast. I squeal and arch my back, and he chuckles. He hits a sensitive spot in me, and I let out a loud moan. I clamp my hand back over my jaws, but he pulls it away.

"I want to hear you." He growls. "Don't hide those noises from me, sweetheart."

"B-But the others-"

"Can fuck themselves if they have a problem with this." He slams into me roughly, and I cry out. He leaves my breast alone and rubs my clit, which makes me shudder with pleasure. I moan his name, and he blushes. "D-Do that again, sweetheart-"

"A-Ahh, Fell..." I arch my back with a groan, and he chuckles. He rubs my clit more, and I grit my teeth.

"Louder." He leans down, and I feel his teeth graze my neck. "I want them all to hear you scream."

He pulls out and slams himself back into me, hitting a sensitive spot as he rubs my clit. "AH- FELL-" I yell, feeling an orgasm rising. "H-HARDER, PLEASE-!"

"Do that again." He growls, biting my earlobe.

"FELL~!" I moan loudly, my stomach churning. He fucks me harder, and I groan, my eyes fluttering closed for a moment as pleasure courses through me. "O-Oh, Fell~!" I hit the orgasm, and he hits his. He releases inside of me, letting out a loud groan as he does. His eye lights flicker from red to white, and he pulls out. He goes limp on top of me, breathing heavily.

Fell lets out a groan and rolls off of me, burying his head in the pillow. His dick disappears, and he starts to calm down. Sweat drips down my forehead and my legs, and I sit up with a little moan. I swing my shaking legs off the bed and head to the bathroom. I start to fill up the bathtub with warm, soapy water, then, once it's full, I walk back into the bedroom.

"C'mere, Fell." I pick Fell up, who's hardly conscious, and I carry him into the bathroom. I set him down in the tub, then climb in myself. I pull him onto my lap and rub his skull softly.

"Mngh..." He mumbles, burying his face in my chest. "T-That... Ngh..." He sinks into my embrace, his eye sockets closing.

"That felt good." I kiss his skull.

"O-Oh yeah." He sighs, practically sinking under the water. I pull him back up, and he mutters something inaudible. I shift a little bit, then pull him back against me.

"I love you." I whisper to him."

"I l-love ya too, Y/N..." He murmurs.

I wipe the sweat off of his forehead, and we sit in the bath for quite a while. Eventually, I decide we should get out, and I help him out. I dry us off with a couple of towels, and drying him is no easy task, as he's determined to cling to me and never let go. But I manage to get it done, and I carry him back into the bedroom. We crawl under the blankets, and he curls up against my side. I stroke his skull as he mumbles something inaudible. He lets out a yawn, then falls asleep.

"G'night, my Fluffy Asshole." I whisper, pulling the blankets up a little. He smiles in his sleep and rolls over, burying his head in my chest. I pull him closer, then plant a soft kiss on his skull. He murmurs 'I love you' as I do, and then wraps his arms around me sleepily. I rub his skull, then close my eyes. I feel sleep pulling at me, and I let it claim me.


A/N: wooo this book is over! The last couple of chapters took so much energy out of me. :sob:

But it's done! :D Yes, it was fun to write, but I'm glad it's over. It took a lot of energy out of me, getting these out. I was struggling more than usual trying to get this one done-

I should say this here, though I can't say much (mostly because I have basically nothing planned), but I will be working on another book as soon as I get an idea! I have two ideas in mind, and I'm trying to figure out how to turn them into books.

My Nightmare x Reader book is STILL in progress, though it's more of a side project at this point. So expect slow updates :D.

My Killermare book is CANCELLED. That is part of a part of my life that is OVER. I wish to forget that part of my life. So that book is cancelled.

My Spamton x Reader book is still on hiatus. I don't know how to work on that, but I'll figure it out, haha.

My EMV book is on a half-hiatus, mostly because I'm stuck on Desire's backstory. He's like a branch I need to move in order to move on, and I can't go around it :'D So be patient with me please. I'll get there.

Kind of the same with My Villain Rewritten. It's gonna be slow. I'll finish it eventually, but it's more of a side project.

Anyways, I hope this book was good! I know it had a lot of dark themes and a lot of rape and shit, but not everyone's life is perfect :]

Farewell for now, my lovely readers, and stay tuned~!

*Sighnerd disappears, leaving behind a knife and an axe. You go to pick them up, but then a crow swoops out of the sky, picks them up, and turns to dust. The knife and axe disappear, too.

*You stare at the spot the crow was at, confused, then shake your head and sit down, waiting for news on this new project Sigh has planned.

I Can't do This Anymore [Fell!Sans x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now